“Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu” by MXTX

[ I will refer the novel by TGCF , which is the abbreviated form of its original name ]

Last month, a friend asked me about the web novels, that I so often read and talk about on my Twitter timeline. I went on about how I was introduced to the danmei stories and how I just felt at home in this world of 1000+ pages (that’s actually just average size novel) stories and of characters who just become a part of your life for months and months. And suddenly I was reminded of the release of MXTX’s novels in physical form by Seven Seas. I felt so happy about the fact that after reading online for about two years, I will finally have a physical copy of these stories in my library and then, I can pick them up anytime I want to relive my memories. The books got an amazing response and it was crazy, the way people pre-ordered them. Goes a long way to show how these stories are so appreciated, not for the smut but for the way they show the persistence of love, devotion, and every test that life ( and death ) will make these characters go through. Currently, Seven Seas has released vol 1 in December 2021, with the next vol slated for a February 2022 release ( as per Goodreads). TGCF will have 7 ( or is it 8 ) volumes in all, and I say it is the only way to appreciate this complex story and the illustrations in the books.

Born the crown prince of a prosperous kingdom, Xie Lian was renowned for his beauty, strength, and purity. His years of dedication and noble deeds allowed him to ascend to godhood. But those who rise, can also fall…and fall he does, cast from the Heavens again and again and banished to the mortal realm.

Eight hundred years after his mortal life, Xie Lian has ascended to godhood for the third time. Now only a lowly scrap collector, he is dispatched to wander the earthly realm to take on tasks appointed by the heavens to pay back debts and maintain his divinity. Aided by old friends and foes alike, and graced with the company of a mysterious young man with whom he feels an instant connection, Xie Lian must confront the horrors of his past in order to dispel the curse of his present.

If you have not read or even watched the donghua version of TGCF before, I both envy you for experiencing it with fresh eyes and am also, a little sad for you, how you have missed this amazing story. [ Btw, the donghua version is just so stunning, it totally does justice to how visually detailed the novel is ] The Vol 1 covers Xie Lan’s third ascension to Godhood , following he is assigned to go look into some strange events on Earth. On coming to Earth, he meets a mysterious man who helps him on his first task. This event though doesn’t seem to be isolated and soon both of them are embroiled in events that are tied to Xie Lan’s past , parts of which he does not want to even remember or encounter. But in this past is the beginning of his connection to this mysterious man and how they both helped each other survive.

The first volume solely has the story of the present and their meeting and Xie Lan being totally unaware of the ties he has with this man. Even though there are flashes of his past, it is incredulous to see Xie Lan being so generous, so forgiving and so helpful for everyone who crosses his path. His naivety and the way he is indulged by his new friend make for quite hilarious chapters and you would do good to remember them because future volumes that reveal the past are so heartbreaking that I had to put this novel on pause for a week. But the humanity & spirit of love & devotion just shines true in every arc of this story. Not just the main characters, even the side characters have fleshed out stories and some of the most heartwarming reveals happen around these side characters.

TGCF is an epic historical fantasy genre, with the portrayal of every human feeling known spanning 800+ years and immortals who were human once, so their choices & actions will forever impact their fate and those tied to them. There are no words that can praise the writing and capture the depth of this novel or what it means to millions of readers. It is an emotion, you will have to find yourself after reading it.

Rating- 4.5 out of 5

Krishna’s Sidenote-

☆ Some exclusive photographs from the live-action adaptation Eternal Faith, from the shooting spot!




☆ For more information about the cast, please check this link-


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