“You’re My Sky” First Impressions (Ep. 1to 5)

I probably am pretty late in giving my opinion on this one.

By the time I’m done with this article, the 6th episode would’ve been released, fully subbed on Viki where I can see it. The episode had been updated on WeTV a day ago but as I don’t have access to the app, I usually wait for an extra day to watch it on Viki (horrid Instagram spoilers aside).

I first started this series when it was two episodes in. Although I kept seeing it on Viki for quite some time, I hadn’t really thought I would watch it until somebody pushed me to do so. It was a university setting with the whole “notice-me-senpai” plot (or phi, in this case), with two side couples—one with a very pushy junior and another one I’m not comfortable with (because of its complicated cheating-like plot).

What I did not expect was that I would religiously wait for the series to update on Viki every Saturday at around 9 pm here.

On a serious note, I was under the impression that I’d be thrown off by the excess product placement or the random slow-mo shots that no one needed (which luckily reduced by the 3rd episode or so). The third couple’s plotline would have been more than enough to make me stop watching (personal pet peeve coming through). Surprisingly, I didn’t. I found myself invested in most of the characters and quite a few bits in the storyline were enough to keep me engaged.

Set in a university with the Faculty of Sports Science as its focus, WorldY Entertainments’s You’re My Sky is a series that revolves around three couples with the basketball duo as the focus. Multiple couples are a favourite of mine, especially if they’re all written. However, it’s been 5 episodes but I still can’t make up my mind about them.

The series focuses on Thorn (Suar Kritsnaphong Sripattiyanon), a young basketball player who follows his senior Tupfah (Tae Chayapat Kongsub) to university as a result of the promise they’d made in their childhood—to become national basketball champions. However, to his dismay, he finds that Tupfah has already given up on basketball due to a series of events that are explained later on in the series. Thorn then tries to get Tupfah back on track to becoming a part of the basketball team so that they both can have a shot at nationals.

We’re introduced to all the main characters via a sort-of-hazing ceremony (probably the most engaging and fun one I’ve seen till now) held by the university’s Faculty of Sports Science. Thorn and Saen (Boom Thanut Jiraratchakit) are freshmen, while Vee (Porsche Tanathorn Charoenratanaporn) is a junior, and Tupfah, Aii (Jump Kananat Yansukon), and Dome (Kris Sakris Strickland) are seniors. Saen is a soccer player, Aii is on the support team, and Vee and Dome are on the track team. The flashbacks in between take us to Thorn and Tupfah’s childhood and provide us with more information on their relationship and what had taken place before Thorn and Tupfah were reunited at university.

I have to say that I’m pretty impressed at how far Tae has come in terms of acting. He seems to have improved a whole lot when compared to his performance in Y Destiny (2021). It’s funny how they actually do refer to him as ‘Poker Face P’Fah’ in the series as well. The kids in the flashback scenes have also done a great job in all their scenes. The flashbacks help in cementing the chemistry between the main leads.

Despite all this, I’m not sure whether I like the main couple more than the others (mainly Saen and Aii), especially since I’ve somehow convinced myself that I’m rooting for the main couple because of Suar, who I’ve taken a liking to for no good reason whatsoever (he’s adorable and acts well). Like many others, I’m usually more invested in the side couples in series with multiple BL couples. They are, however, the backbone of the story and I do like the developments between them. It also helps that their storyline reminds me of all the sports anime series I’ve engaged with over the years.

I think the couple I don’t know what to think about the most would definitely be Vee and Dome. It may not even be the fact that their story revolves around Dome cheating on Pan, Vee’s sister (played by Apple Lapisara Intarasut)—it has more to do with the ace child in me cringing at the scenes where they randomly initiate skinship (for the life of me, I can’t understand this and it doesn’t make sense most of the time).

I see fans online engaged in a tug-of-war when it comes to Vee/Dome—with a number of them considering it ‘morally wrong’ to be together, while others seem to be really invested in them as a couple. And I don’t blame the latter group of people—they do have quite the chemistry, and the story seems to be progressing on their side. I also noticed that Pan and Dome are in the initial stages of their relationship (context is key in this case, with the usage of words rooted in cultural differences in Thailand) and they don’t seem to be partners as of yet, which does work in Vee/Dome’s favour.

To be honest, what surprises me the most is how invested I am in Saen and Aii as a couple. I blame it on the way Aii reacted to Saen’s confession in front of all the Sports Science students during the hazing ceremony. Saen is a very pushy person, sometimes frustrating Aii to no end. Aii doesn’t seem to be any better—especially if we take his behaviour towards Saen during their class presentation as an indication. Nevertheless, the scene where Aii seems to thaw in the fourth episode and apologises to Saen is cute, and I think the latter is remotely aware that he is being an annoying person and calms down a bit.

The whole issue with the coaches may have its ups and downs (because of odd coincidences here and there), but they’re not too obvious as plotholes. Coach Tuan is certainly not likeable in any sense, and Coach Big (Wave Khoo) serves as a massive contrast to him. Tuan has quite a role in creating more conflicts for the main couple to face, and this time, it looks like the rest of the newly-recruited basketball team members will be affected, too.

There are quite a few things that I really appreciate in the series. The representation of Fluke, one of the members of the basketball team, as a queer person and the coach’s response to them using ‘kha’ instead of ‘krub’ is interesting. I like the host of the hazing ceremony as well—I’d like to know how one moves around like that, climbing rope in heels and exuding confidence with every step.

The fact that both Vee and Dome acknowledge the dangers of growing closer to each other makes them a very realistic couple and I find that oddly endearing—I apologise in advance for not being able to make up my mind about them. I do have a feeling that things are going to take quite a turn in the next episode and I don’t want to judge them too quickly without figuring out how things are bound to progress between them.

There certainly are some adorable and funny moments in all the relationships in the series. I can’t get over Tupfah’s ‘gay panic’ scenes, and I think Aii thirsting over Saen’s unbuttoned shirt while drinking that ‘refreshing’ drink (more product placement, hurrah) is hilarious. The plotline seems to progress at a decent pace, the music is good, and the production is amazing (the colour palette is gorgeous). If only the product placements weren’t there so often to distract the viewers. Overall, the series is one you’d want to follow, and hopefully, it’ll stay that way till the end.

Rating: 3.75/5

Krishna’s Sidenote-

You Are My Sky stars featured in Posh Magazine Thailand!

You Are My Sky stars featured in Elle Magazine Thailand!

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