“Fahlanruk The Series” First Impressions (Ep.1 to 3)

University is where young adults define their personalities; where they learn what they want and what they don’t and on Fahlanruk, it seems a bit more complicated. Main character and on campus Mr.Popularity Fahlan (Tonkhao Chayuth) seems to be the name on everyone’s tongue. People gossip, worship, speculate, and lust after him throughout the series. Created by the Thai company Safe Studio under the direction of Chik Sakon and K Chainarong, this off the wall ensemble drama focuses on the concept of “Is Friends with Benefits possible for two lovers?”

The boldness of the drama’s subject matter may bring in viewers, but it’s ultimately the chemistry of Fahlan and Sherbert (James Thanaboon) that keeps people watching. Much like “TharnType” before, the subject of a mutually beneficial sexual friendship where one person has genuine feelings of love adds weight to the overall experience. What separates this from “TharnType” is that Sherbert refuses to love anyone after a prior personal experience soured him. Fahlan, who seems to have imprinted on Sherbert, ostensibly ignores his protests to a repeat performance of their “One-Night Stand”; instead, courting him both overtly and passively.

Similar to most pilot episodes, the first one is a bit confusing as the editing leaves a lot to be desired. After a thesis statement foreshadowing the episode, by a girl we don’t know yet (named Pink played by Baifern Sirikorn), the episode cuts to a montage of a late night encounters at a popular club. The montage ends as Fahlan and Sherbert see each other and proceed home to have sex. Seems straightforward, but due to the random camera cuttings, I had to stop the video and rewind it twice to realize that there was a second couple having sex at the same time as them. Why? Because the shots make you belong that Fahlan and Sherbert are together, making you think they are looking at each other, but they are not. Why start the episode this way, I honestly don’t know? It becomes harder to differentiate what man Sherbet is having sex with since the shirt on the floor is the one Fahlan was wearing at the club.

After the experiences end, their bedside manner is quite different, as Sherbert is quite ready to escape while Fahlan doesn’t mind cuddling and letting the stranger sleep over. These moments betray their characters giving the idea of who is courteous and nice versus who is using a person for their basic need and is then done. This tells a lot about them as the series continues to focus on their experiences with others and each other. Fahlan has two friends living vicariously through his sexual exploits.

Set against colorful, pristine sets recreating the feel of college life, Fahlanruk gives a clear albeit familiar feel as a show. We never know the name of the college they are studying at, as we watch these characters interact and have sex based on who they are seeing; which sounds delightful, but most of the time we are talking about Sherbert and Fah which makes me wonder about the scriptwriter’s intention to create a make believe world for them? For Ping (Ryu Danudol) and Tap(Kao Sirawit), it certainly seems that way. For the first two episodes, the pair talk about their good friend for most of their screen time. This style of storytelling can be good if it’s not over used. Utilizing side characters to fill in plot holes provides background for characters or as in this case, adds to the slow reveal of Fahlan’s invisible boyfriend “Tle” (Yes, Fahlan has a boyfriend he cheats on often).

Unfortunately, this method doesn’t work well since the random flash back scenes happen less than five minutes prior to the two storytelling devices and the show plays out pretty fast. Like Pink providing details about Fahlan that could have been deployed onscreen, but using her was less time-consuming and more feasible. Prince (Tong Piroonwat) is an added advantage as Sherbert’s Nong and gives him humane touch while Gear (Win Kittiphon) Prince’s friend, who has a crush on Prince, provides cute moments when the drama gets heavy or the sex too steamy. Random cute moments from them manage to pace the episodes.

With this premise as the backdrop, the game of cat and mouse begins and continues throughout the first three episodes. Fahlan and Sherbert hook up without Fahlan getting his name, the pair part ways and discover they attend the same college. As their paths keep crossing, a level of intimacy develops overtime, as Fahlan tries to assert his dominance over Sherbert; who reacts with profanity and so much sass that it made me love him so much more. It’s nice to see a bossy man explain what is and is not going to happen.

Along the way, we get glimpses into the lives of the people who surround them and even a couple of surprises. Ultimately, Fahlan gets what he wants by simply ignoring the existence of his boyfriend. When asked about Tle’s feelings, he seems least bothered about him. A curious response to fidelity, but this show feels a lot like “Why R U Series ” where a sense of things being significant comes and goes based on who is talking about them. Like Prince and Sherbert’s intimate friendship without the sex being a subject of Fahlan’s jealousy, but at the same time Sherbert feels like a fair-weather friend putting on a show for the classmates who gossip about them.

By the time you get to the end of the third episode, you either are here for specific characters or deciding it’s not for you. There isn’t much in the way of nonromantic story to speak of and most characters care more about Fahlan and talk about him than do anything else, really. I am curious to see how the “Friends with Benefits” relationship will go because it’s clear both already love each other.

Rating- 4 out of 5 (for being nothing more than what it’s supposed to be)

Streaming on- Gagaoolala

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