“Love in the Air” Series Review (Ep.1 to 13)

Sometimes, love enters a person’s life in a mysterious way. Some say it all comes down to time, while others still claim it involves looking for the right person. What would happen if we eventually met the person who would forever alter our lives?

Let us talk about that in the series review of Love In The Air.

My judgment is skewed by the entire series. Let me divide things up into smaller parts. P’Mame wrote the “Love Storm” novel with a very alluring plot. There are two separate love stories in this series. The story of Sky and Prapai, as well as Rain and Phayu. Now, let’s quickly recap the distinctive characteristics of the character. Rain (Noeul) is a happy-go-lucky person who occasionally gets into serious mischief. He literally performs a lot of antics when he was first introduced, which I felt was a little strange. However, it turns out that occasionally he is also very cute! Like his attractiveness can really make you smile. On the other side, Phayu (Boss) is like the “mafia-boyfriend” of my dreams! He seems deserving to me to be a brother or a descendant of Vegas from the KinnPorsche series. His appearance seems to match his personality! Sky (Peat) is the sweetest and most kind friend you could have. He has the most intriguing life story of the four characters. And then there is Prapai (Fort), a billionaire CEO with a playboy persona who, after meeting Sky, settles down to become a devoted man.

Let’s move on to the plot: this series features two love stories with contrasting character philosophies that appear to be in tandem with the weather predictions. The fact that each episode has a unique title was a bonus, in my opinion. Here, I want to draw attention to the way each episode’s storyline was organized. I honestly think Phayu and Rain needed more exposure because their love story is based on the idea of a love-hate cycle, which is, for me, a typical element of any love story. I’d like to see a completely fresh plot with an engaging narrative flow. As their story progresses, the emphasis is more on using affectionate language, soothing words, and, of course, intimacy. I had to pause the scenes a few times because of its intimacy, so that I could take everything in slowly. I had never seen a scenario this brave before!

Somehow, I got confused since the tone of the scene would suddenly change in certain episodes. This troubled me because I could not venture a guess as to what would happen in the ensuing scenes or even make assumptions about what they will do next. Despite the significance of the points I made, I believe Phayu and Rain deserve more. Their connection is so powerful that even their tender and private moments stand out as particularly unforgettable. Each episode allows us to follow both characters’ development. This is excellent because you can see a different side of their character rather than them being adorably romantic all the time. In the scene where Phayu frees Rain from those captors, he was more like demonstrating to everyone that he can overcome danger in order to save his love.

Let’s discuss Prapai and Sky next, the second key characters. This is perhaps one of the most divisive storylines I’ve ever seen, and by divisive, I mean the way the show deals with the trauma Sky has experienced. Sky has family and friends, and these individuals should be the main source of his strength in coping with the trauma he had, but they are actually rarely seen. In my opinion, it may have been better if Sky was surrounded by a proper support system. He could also seek professional assistance, but considering that this is a BL series, we need to see the “love angle” on this, and thus the story seems to imply that only Prapai can “help” him. In the end, Sky still experiences the trauma, but he now has Prapai to turn to for support. Having said all of this, thinking about the possibilities on why they chose this particular plot, it may be because they want the viewers to know that no matter what occurs, we always have someone we can easily turn to for help and even to let our emotions out. This couple’s pace of relationship development is significantly better than the first one we had. As the series nears its end, Prapai’s acting improves. In particular, I was moved by his performance in the episode where he visits Sky’s dorm and expresses his sincere affections for him.

Phayu, Rain, Sky, and Prapai give us the idea of believing in love and trusting in the process. I am a firm believer that there is really someone out there who is meant to be with us, and after watching this series I realized that it doesn’t happen in an instant; you might meet obstacles along the way and even be with the wrong people, but eventually these things will lead us to our “right one.”

Regarding cinematography, I love the sequences where it rains nonstop and then the characters’ emotions come bursting out. This series metaphorically transforms the weather into human emotions, showing how occasionally we can experience a flurry of different emotions, just like the weather prediction is done every day. Although there were some awkward transitions between scenes, they nevertheless managed to carry the story forward by including crucial information in the subsequent episodes.

I have my own opinions about the series, and I listed the aspects that I find appealing and believe have room for improvement. When factors affecting the production process and storyline are taken into account, the series could have been improved to a greater degree. The major characters have a huge chance of becoming even more outstanding than they are in this series. I believe that nearly every episode of the series has amazing potential. Anyway, I suppose you should give this series a shot if you’re up for a love story with new characters and more banter of flirtatious pickup lines.

Rating- 4 out of 5

Streaming on- IQIYI or Me Mindy YouTube

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