Best Friendships in the BL World

Although most BL dramas focus on romance between the BL/GL couples, another element that plays an important role in the storyline is- Friendship. Confused teenagers often seek advice from their friends that encourage and support them. Being a member of the LGBTQ community is difficult, so friends become a big part of the support system that drives them forward. In today’s feature, we will be talking about such varied friendships that offer comfort and solace when the need arises.

Drama_Llama’s Favorites

The New Employee – Seung Hyun and Ji Yeon – South Korea

The best kind of friendships are the ones that encourage, support, and buoy. Nowhere is this more beautifully shown than in the Korean BL The New Employee. Seung Hyun’s long-standing friendship with college pal Ji Yeon is full of understanding and acceptance. Ji Yeon’s love and advice are a big part of what makes this drama the well-rounded heartwarming watch it is.

Kieta Hatsukoi (My Love Mix-up) – Aoki Sota and Hashimoto Mio – Japan

What begins as an unrequited crush becomes one of the most stunning friendships portrayed on screen in the Japanese BL Kieta Hatsukoi. Once in love with Hashimoto, Aoki becomes conflicted when he believes they’ve later fallen for the same male classmate. When he reveals this to Hashimoto, she not only shrugs it off, she lovingly accepts his sexuality and helps him step toward the man he loves. What makes this friendship stand out is how Aoki and Hashimoto help each other grow as they pursue love. They gain confidence and maturity together.

Light On Me – Namgoong Shiwoon – South Korea

While viewers are incredibly divided between Team Shin Woo and Team Da On in the Korean BL Light on Me, there was one thing everyone agreed on. Namgoong Shiwoon is one of the best pals that ever graced a television screen. Funny, sentimental, and full of advice (generally not his own), what made Namgoong stand out is that he never took sides. While viewers spent the entire drama divided, Namgoong never is. He helps guide every one of his friends, even Lee So Hee. He made everyone feel important, even though it is apparent he always knew how the story would end.

Semantic Error – Choi Yu Na – South Korea

Sometimes the best kind of friendship isn’t the sweet kind. Sometimes it is the sarcastic, witty in-your-face kind, and that’s precisely what Choi Yu Na offers in the Korean BL Semantic Error. A blunt voice of reason, Choi Yu Na always tells it like it is while being there for the people she cares about.

Eternal Yesterday – Yamada Koichi and Oumi Mitsuru – Japan

While Koichi and Mitsuru are technically the main leads of the Japanese BL Eternal Yesterday, their story doesn’t begin with romance. It starts with a soul-deep friendship that blossoms into an unforgettable, heart-rending love story. While both may have fallen in love at first sight and hidden it from each other, their friendship is still worth mentioning. Some of the best romantic relationships begin as best friends, and that doesn’t change once a couple has gotten together.

The Untamed – Wen Ning – China

No best friend list is complete without mentioning the incredibly loyal Wen Ning. It takes watching the Chinese bromance The Untamed to fully understand his tragic story, but there isn’t a single viewer who doesn’t find themselves appreciating the timid Wen Ning. He goes through hell, quite literally, for his master Wei Wuxian. The sacrifices he makes and the pain he goes through while still managing to maintain the caring person he is makes him stand out on screen. He becomes a tool the people around him use, causing him to do unspeakable things he has no control over, yet he’s never hateful. He loses the person he loves the most when he loses his sister, yet he never becomes jaded. And in a drama full of vengeance and emotional turmoil, Wen Ning is a steady, caring raft inside a storm of chaos.

MychelleLove’s Favorites

In the world of BL’s, some friendships are beyond amazing. They are understanding, caring, and accepting. I love watching friendships blossom and grow. Some are very endearing, other’s are memorable in different ways.

Here are some of my favorites.

Until We Meet Again/ Between Us

Manow, Team and Pharm

I have watched this friendship from the beginning- them meeting for the first time in University. We watched as they became dependent on each other. We watched as they stood behind Pharm, when he started liking Dean. Theirs is a pure, sweet friendship, and I loved watching it develop. They are always there for one another and have been supportive of each other’s choices. In UWMA, we see their friendship blossom and it was the sweetest, most endearing thing to watch. I love how easily they click and support one another, no matter what, no judgements, and no questioning anything. They support each other in their endeavors in life.

We are now watching this friendship evolve and grow in Between Us – with Team and Win now the center of attention. We see that Team is receiving the same kind of support that he once extended to Pharm. It is refreshing seeing this type of healthy friendship in a BL.

2Moons/ 2Moons2

Wayo & Ming

Their friendship is quite deep, and Ming is very protective of his friend Wayo. Wayo is a sweet, naive person and Ming has always looked out for him and also helps him with his crush on P’Pha. They share a sweet friendship. They are endearing and comical at times. Ming was always there to make sure Wayo stays grounded and does not get hurt. The reason I adore their friendship is that it is pure, withstanding time and tide- never wavering, never faulting, and always being honest, affectionate. Ming was always there for Wayo, even when he was facing difficulties in his life. Wayo was also there to support Ming when he was realizing his true feelings for Kit. Wayo and Ming’s friendship is more aptly portrayed in 2Moons2, where they are shown being entirely supportive of each other’s their relationships. These two are more than brothers. They are like soulmates sharing a brotherhood. It is extremely rare to find and when you do, it is indeed miraculous to witness.

Love by Chance S1 & S2


I loved watching these four becoming fast friends. Pond is the funny guy, Bow is the sweet one who speaks her mind, Ping is the quieter of the lot, and Ae is the street-smart one.

When Ae meets Pete, to Ae he is another friend at the beginning. Once Ae starts questioning his feelings, he goes to Pond for help and Pond, being Pond, gives some very comical advice, but then is very sincere about it. Pond, as a good friend would, helps Ae and Pete have some alone moments. Bow and Ping have suspicions about Ae and Pete in the beginning. Once their suspicions are confirmed, they are overjoyed for both Ae and Pete.

Seeing these four being supportive of each other, always being there for one another – adding Pete into the mix as well, made me really happy. Watching them together was very endearing, comical, and heartwarming. This is the kind of friendships that I love seeing in dramas as it is healthy. Nothing toxic at all, and it is enjoyable as well.

Tharn Type S1 & S2

Type- Techno

Type and Techno’s friendship was a different kind. Techno is always there supporting Type as he struggled with his feelings for Type, and Type prejudices against the LBGTQ+ community in general. Techno always supported Type no matter what Type was going through. Similarly, Type was also always there for Techno in his own way. Techno tried to get Type to understand that Tharn was a good man and that he should be more open-minded. As Type struggled with his feelings for Tharn, Techno was right there to listen, try, and help. Techno did everything to support Type’s decisions – whether they were right or wrong. Techno was a unique friend; he was loyal and always tried his level best to resolve the ongoing crisis between Type and Tharn. Techno was also a very patient friend as Type is not an easy person to get along with. Their friendship is very endearing. Techno always spoke his mind, and he was the only one who could keep Type grounded. Type’s life was always full of unsavory incidents, but Techno never faltered. Instead he always defended Type, and stood by him.

I love healthy and loving friendships in a BL. It shows that you can love a person from the same sex and your friends will never stop supporting you. The above- mentioned group of friends are some of my favorites. I hope that every person in the LGBTQ+ community finds such a strong support system so that they can live without fear or hesitations.

We will be back next week with the second edition of this feature. So till then, keep watching this space as we bring you more updates from the Asian BL World!

One thought on “Best Friendships in the BL World”

  1. Reblogged this on Journalism as Art and commented:
    While Koichi and Mitsuru are technically the main leads of the Japanese BL Eternal Yesterday, their story doesn’t begin with romance. It starts with a soul-deep friendship that blossoms into an unforgettable, heart-rending love story. While both may have fallen in love at first sight and hidden it from each other, their friendship is still worth mentioning. Some of the best romantic relationships begin as best friends, and that doesn’t change once a couple has gotten together.


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