“SUMMERDAZE Christmas Together” Movie Review

I had absolutely zero expectations of what to expect with this short film. But it was so adorable! The chemistry between the leads Alfred Sun and David Eung is undeniable and the entire thing is just pure Christmas fun!

A bit about the series from their official Youtube: Popular idol and teenage heartthrob, Evan (Eung), is forced by his manager to star in a queer film to redeem himself after posting insensitive material on his social media. He meets Kai (Sun), an aspiring actor who has just gotten his first big break starring as Evan’s on-screen love interest. Sparks fly both on-screen and off, as we get a glimpse of what happens when the camera stops rolling…

At just ten minutes, the series is a perfect watch. You can see it below:

This article is adapted from Life in Cartoon Motion which aims at providing articles, reviews, and even interviews!

2 thoughts on ““SUMMERDAZE Christmas Together” Movie Review”

  1. Glad you liked it! I helped contribute financially to the project since I was really excited at the prospect of an English-language BL. It was very exciting to see the movie come-to-life in such a fun way (and to see my name in the credits!)


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