Recent Controversies in The BL Industry

More often than not we forget that celebrities are human beings, just like you and me. The only difference is when they make a mistake it is referred to as a ‘Scandal’ or a ‘Controversy’. They find themselves apologizing for things that we do on the day to day basis. Should celebrities be held to a higher standard than the average person? Or should we let them live their personal lives as they wish? That’s the hottest topic on the internet right now and we are here to join in the conversation.

Freen Sarocha Chankimha x Seng Wichai Saefant

On July 23rd 2023 Thai actress Freen, most well known for her role in ‘GAP The Series’ received a message from an unknown person. This message contained pictures and videos of her in her private home with an unknown man, they appeared to be intimate with each other. The message also stated that if she did not pay said stranger the media files would be released to the public. A few days later on July 28th 2023 a video file was released on social media by the blackmailer, Freen was tagged on the post. The next few days were crazy for her fans as they were trying to decipher if it was really Freen in the video and who she was with. August 1st 2023, Freen Sarocha and Seng Wichai along with their management teams and lawyers held a press conference and addressed the public.

Both Freen and Seng confirmed it was them in the video, they admitted to being in a relationship for the past 3 years. They believe the video was taken from an abandoned building across from Freens home, which was a clear invasion of their privacy. Both their fandoms have been in an uproar since. Because of the seriousness of the situation, their lawyers will be taking legal action against said blackmailer. The perpetrator seems to be a foreigner in Thailand, but the legal team has already contacted the international law office to figure out a way forward with regards to legal action. Freen apologized to her fans and everyone who was hurt by the incident, she wishes that her fans will respect her decision to live an honest life, she mentioned that the ordeal has been mentally and physically tormenting to her and Seng and she thanked everyone for their support.

The fallout from this event was as expected, with fans divided in both Seng and Freens fandoms. Seng is well known as a BL actor and Freen is a well-known GL actress. Both have taken part in ‘fan service’ in the past, portraying fictional relationships with their co-actors, Freen more than Seng. She has been attacked on social media because of this, with fans accusing her of ‘Queer-Baiting’, demanding she return gifts that were given to her and some even threatening suicide because they believed her relationship with co-actor Becky to be real. This brings about the question of whether actors should participate in fan service at all, if there are fans that are failing to disassociate from what’s real and what’s not. We will keep you updated as the story develops.

Max Nattapol Health Concerns

In a recent interview with Nine Entertainment on 25th June 2023, Max Nattapol lead actor from ‘Manner of Death’ and ‘Together with Me’ opened up about some troubles he has been having in his personal life, these events have affected both his finances and his health. Max reported to have suffered from severe stress and depressions after three cancerous nodules were detected in his colon. These were found after Max started experiencing symptoms such as chest tightness and abdominal pain. He went through endoscopic surgery to remove the lumps and while the surgery was successful, he has had to make significant changes to his diet and alcohol consumption.

These problems with his physical health affected his mental state as well. The actor revealed he has been suffering from depressions since. He chose not to be placed on medication opting instead for meditation as a way to improve his mental and emotional state. Max has also turned toward religion, talismans and philosophy to heal his mind. The depression however was not only caused by his health, an unfortunate bad investment caused Max to lose millions of Baht. He assures his fans that while he may not be 100 percent, he has come a long way and he looks forward to future endeavors.

Translation- @sunshinept0810

Build Jakapans Chat’s Leak

Build Jakapan can’t seem to keep his name out of the papers as he has once again been swept up in rumors regarding a leaked private chat insulting his former KinnPorsche co-actors Apo Nattawin and Bible Wichapas. This comes after a very public scandal earlier this year which involved his ex-girlfriend, where he was accused of abuse amongst other things. The leaked chat appears to be a conversation he was having with the same ex-girlfriend but the source of said chat remains unknown to date. After weeks of speculation Build Jakapan finally responded through a series of tweets regarding the messages, see statement below:

‘About the past (leaked) private chats. I know that there were things that I said inappropriately that hurt other people. I am very sorry and I feel guilty, I would like to apologize to everyone mentioned and even those not mentioned. I apologize once again and take responsibility to the affected people; I want to let everyone know that I am not that kind of a person anymore and I regret my actions. From now on, I will be more careful with my words so I will not be able to hurt people again. No matter how many times I apologize, I can’t- take it back and I understand that. I apologize again’

Following this series of events several ‘Be On Cloud’ actors have proceeded to unfollow Build on Social Media, signaling the relationship between the actors has turned sour.

Keep watching this space for further updates!

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