“Playboyy The Series” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

This latest collaboration between make up brand “Cathy Doll” and “Copy A Bangkok”, directed by Cheewin Thanamin spans 14 hour-long episodes and is an arousing drama surrounding four privileged young men. With a large cast of attractive characters populating this series, the seemingly abrupt disappearance of the main character’s close friend, and four seemingly random men walking into their lives to beguile, tease ,tempt and seduce them, has all the ingredients of a strong series. The ensemble cast features Korn Palat (Zouey), Chat Wasutha (First), Vivitar Pharunit (Captain), and Fay Chintub (Porsche). Paired against them in a series of flavorful introductions are the men who want them for anything but positive reasons: KaowOat Supasin as Teena, Shell Thakrit as Prom, Boat Pakorn as Keen and Jeffy Chutipon as Jump. Both set of men delight and disappoint in different roles throughout the first two episodes.

Zouey, First, Captain, and Porsche are four students who bask in the sums of fortunes provided for them by their parents. These boys play with men for no other reason but because they are horny. Despite the show’s X account stating they are in high school, for the sake of this review we are following the official subtitles on GagaOOlala, which states they are in college. We accept the school uniforms and adherence to parents as cannon simply to provide a base of understanding; as they literally engage in doing whatever they want. This “devil may care” attitude confused me for the first episode as the four host an ill-fated prostitute to deflower Zouey who has an aversion to physical touch. The other three are either oblivious to his discomfort or do not care as they push him to be alone with the male prostitute. This is the first of many moments of disappointment for me as far as the acting goes. Jump tries to maneuver Zouey into sex, and Jeffy as Jump is ridiculous as he moans and pantomimes having a blissful time hovering over Zouey, while not even doing a good job at acting.

As each character is paired with an attractive and overly horny male character for happy times, warning bells start ringing. Each boy being rich and targeted by these walking Adonis’s for sex with almost no solicitation on their part save Captain should have been suspicious. But the show does a fantastic job of shock value over substance, randomly showing a character master baking. For what? Who knows? The tastefully chosen clothes versus the camera work draws our focus in a way that reminded me this show isn’t supposed to have any deep meaning. It’s purely an erotic drama, calling it that feels like a stretch to me. Zouey’s sexual hang ups seem to come and go without warning. His kink over drawing men being the switch for him and his mood swings could have been handled better. But instead, when the nude model appears, any focus on the development of that plot line seems to vanish. In a wishful thought process. I’m assuming the things he does is to keep the nude model around him.

While Zouey gets a fair amount of screen time, the other 3 play their roles as side characters. The missing friend the trio pressured into giving up his virginity is vaguely mentioned in the first episode between sex scenes; which honestly was what the first episode was all about, just random scenes and identifying how the four relate. Honorable mention to Zouey’s kinkiness over the art of drawing men. But its Porsche who gets to use Jump, something that becomes more fleshed out in the second episode. One moment from the first episode that stood out was the return of a missing friend who vanished soon after having sex. He was gone for weeks until Zouey went to the police about it. The friend played by Dech Narongpgdet are twins, Nant/Nont who is accepted back into their group almost effortlessly. Did it make sense, no, but with the reasoning he needed time to heal after the experience, the boys asked no further questions, their concern felt shallow to meet. Chief among them being Zouey, who had been the most concerned about Nont’s disappearance (for reasons not explained). Nant starts a video diary which I assume is for his father as the script doesn’t do a very good job of explaining.

The second episode felt more like what I expected from the series. At the end of the first episode, the four playboys declare their desire to get their money and discard the rich boys. The second episode is more concise and shows the “lead” character Aob (the timing of this scene makes no sense) servicing a client in the Playboyy lounge. Only to receive a call from the male prostitutes stating their plans to go independent, which leads to the ending scene from Ep.1. Aob instructs the four on how to make big money by lying to the boys. The four expressed their displeasure at having to fake affection. But over the course of the episode each seemed to succumb to the money being offered; expressing forms of affection in varying levels and means. It was very confusing as each stated they had no interest in the boys save for money.

By the end of the episode, the front for Playboyy was revealed to be an automatic repair and sell shop. Porsche appears to be there for no reason (I assume the show forgot he was there as it transitioned to Jump jerking off to memories of Porsche) and Nant himself stops by to see where his brother went. Nant follows unseen breadcrumbs to Playboyy’s lounge and meets Nont’s (lover/friend) who spanks him during their (play) and he is surprised to learn he likes being dominated.

The show can’t seem to decide if it can show displays of overly physical affection for the right price. First who is fully aware of his father’s homophobia, brings his prostitute home several times for the special experiences he had with him; despite the man’s misgivings about having sex at house. His expressions of love and concern for his son are sparing back at him, which causes him to throw First out. The boy finds himself held against his will by his prostitute who lays out the ways he messed up his situation; before forcing himself on the boy while recording it for the father as a ransom video.

This ends the second episode on a serious note, determining this is above all else a drama. The show often devolves into random sex scenes occasionally to break the narrative. But it brings the story back to the forefront when needed, making the show watchable. Having emotional attachment to any character besides Zouey might not be enough to keep you coming back to see what’d be the next dumb thing these characters do.

Rating- 2 out 5

Streaming on- Gagaoolala

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