“Mr. Nice Guy & The Lonely Man” Movie Review

Sometimes a title to a movie is so spot-on that nothing more needs to be said about it. The summation is expressed, quite literally, in this title. It is a story about a very lonely young man who by chance meets a very nice man and love is awakened. Not only is a love awakened but a reckoning and a realization of oneself is as well. You get all of that in just over 30 minutes of pure cinematic magic in this beautiful love sonnet that reads more like poetry than prose.

In the beginning we see Chai (Euro Pratchakorn) sitting with his ‘girlfriend’ unhappily as that is not where he wants to be. His father has arranged a party for him to celebrate his graduation from college with honors. Yet we sense Chai despondency as he hungers for something more than his father’s approval. He wants to be himself, which is something his father cannot, or more aptly, will not give him. He wants to live his life; to live the life without his father’s domination. Frustrated, we see Chai sitting alone at a bar drinking. Noticing his desolation, Raffe (Novel Paruntawatt) sits down next to him. Raffe seems to be a happy-go-lucky, jovial young man with a bubbly smile and infectious personality. He gets Chai to relax and helps him feel at ease as this is Chai’s first time to a gay bar.

However, it is obvious that Chai is a lightweight, becomes drunk easily and is too drunk to drive home. So, Raffe offers to take him home with him and promises he will not do anything to him. But Chai does not want to go with home with a ‘gay’. However, he is too drunk to literally stand up and ends up going with him.

When he comes to, Chai realizes that Raffe put him to bed, cleaned his shirt, bought him a new toothbrush, given him food, asked for nothing in return and of course never touched him. Chai, remembering the unkindness he showed towards Raffe, apologizes to him with Raffe saying he is used to it as it has been said to him many times before. While there is forgiveness in his voice, there is also a sense of resignation that this has been said and done to him many times before. As a gesture of kindness and forgiveness in return, Chai gives Raffe a ride.

Before long the two have become inseparable and both realize that more than friendship has abounded.

When Chai father confronts him about his relationship with his ‘girlfriend’, Chai says while he has done everything his father has wanted him to do, he is not in love with her and courageously tells his father he is gay. The father becomes apoplectic and slaps Chai, with Chai walking out. However, the look on the father’s face tells another story. He begins to realize that what he has done is reprehensible and will drive his son away.

Fast forward a year, and we see Chai and Raffe in a beautiful rather colorful ceremony exchanging vows with the father participating. A fitting end to a rather Cinderella-type story indeed.

This is a short film and not very deep. My suspect is that these guys are real novices in acting as some of their acting skills are unpolished and amateurish. Does that diminish the series? Not in the least. It actually gives it a sense of realism that was refreshing. It was awkward, which if you recall (for those of you who are gay) your first time in a gay bar IS awkward, uncomfortable, and daunting. It was scary when someone asks you to stay over, and you are terrified that something might happen that you are not ready for; after all you are not gay. Remember? And the slow build up to your first love. Or when you realize that what has been bothering you was that you are gay and needed to acknowledge that publicly. These guys did that with such a natural tendency I did not care whether it seemed awkward or even clumsy. It all felt as if it was just real and spontaneous. In other words, these guys are so authentic and had such a natural chemistry between them, that it felt genuine. One does not need anything more than that.

This snippet was not meant to go deep. It has no hidden meaning other than what is described here. It is a story of a nice guy who met a lonely guy, and they fell in love. And they have a happy ending.

Let us just smile and celebrate a sweet simple story for a change!

Rating 4.75 out of 5

Streaming on- Wayufilm Production YouTube Channel

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