Occasionally a series comes along that is so captivating that you begin to wonder about its own origins and is it as interesting as the story itself. Well, I got to find out and I found out that indeed its origins are just as fascinating as the make-believe story itself. By sheer luck, I was able to nail down an interview with the Director/Writer, Ko Kelvin, of this fascinating and engaging BL from a country obviously not particularly known for its BLs. In fact, its whole ethos on the engagement of gayness is rather repressing and yet perhaps that is what makes this story even more engaging and certainly reflective. It also gives, I think greater depth to its characters that you do not sense or feel in other BLs as of late as this one comes straight from the spirit. The story of BAGAN THE BEGINNING is not going to be revealed here; that is for you to experience and ponder. The only comment I shall make is that it is not just an enticing/thought-provoking story; it also spins an elegance around the wonderment of Myanmar that created in me a wanderlust to visit its natural and cultural grandeur.

I have seen my fair share of responses to interviews, but none as poignant and deeply introspective as this. For those of you who have seen this amazing series, it will merely enhance your understanding of this story. For those of you who have not yet, I, no doubt, believe will see why there is such buzz internationally about this series. Take in its message and how it was accomplished!

1. What was your inspiration for the theme of this series?

Ans: Trust Entertainment is proud to produce Boys’ Love Series in Myanmar for both local and international fans. The idea for Bagan Beginning was conceived by Kaung Myat, Founder and CEO, and inspired by our frequent visits to Bagan. I am passionate about showcasing the rich and powerful culture of Myanmar to the world, which is why I developed the storyline around Mani, a tourist guide, and the various tourist attractions in the area. The beauty of the sunrise and sunset in Bagan is breathtaking, the culture and people are truly inspiring. However, I also wanted to shed light on the difficulties that the LGBT community faces in Myanmar, including the challenge of coming out and fitting in with society. This is portrayed through the struggles of Lyan and his conservative parent, Daw Si Si. My aim is to present the reality of these issues in our series, which is based on real-world experiences.

2. Where did the funding for the filming of the series come from? And was it difficult to obtain?

Ans: It’s no secret that obtaining sponsorship from companies in Myanmar can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to BL series. Some companies may not think it’s worth advertising, while others may deem it too risky. Although BL film series are becoming more common in Myanmar, they are still subject to strict censorship laws that prevent them from being aired on national television. Despite these challenges, we continue to produce BL series, driven by the belief that Myanmar can produce the best boy love series too. However, much work still needs to be done as our previous series and films require improvement. We always strive to learn from our mistakes and put in the effort to make each new series better than the last. Even though we face tough competition from larger corporations, we remain committed to pitching to companies and collaborating to create more Boys’ Love series.

3. A lot of the series has the flavor of a travelogue. I am assuming that is deliberate. Am I correct in that presumption?

Ans: For me, it’s all about reaching milestones. Specifically, I want to showcase Bagan’s rich cultural heritage and highlight its undeniable beauty. I also want to explore how conservative societies view the LGBT community and bring this to light for our viewers. That’s the beauty of creating a video series- we can clearly communicate our message to the audience, and once they see it, we can proudly say that we’ve achieved our milestones.

4. There is some breathtaking cinematography in this series. That had to require a lot of coordination and effort. Was that a logistics and scheduling nightmare, especially for the sunrise and sunset scenes?

Ans: Capturing the perfect shot of a sunrise or sunset requires a lot of planning and dedication. For me, it was a challenge that I was willing to undertake. I wanted to capture the beauty and essence of these moments in real-time, as they happened. I planned for weeks in advance, waking up at 3 am to prepare for a sunrise shoot, and keeping an eye on the weather conditions to ensure clear skies. Despite the challenges, I was able to capture some amazing footage during the rainy season. But there were still many obstacles to overcome. For instance, how long did I have to shoot the scenes? How could I shoot it? What if there were too many clouds? What if there were too many people in the area? I had to prepare for every possible scenario to ensure that my shots were perfect. But it wasn’t just the sunrises and sunsets that I was interested in. I also wanted to capture the beauty of a temple, using cinematography techniques to create something truly special. I visualized the shot in my mind and executed it perfectly. One of the most challenging scenes I faced was capturing 1000 candles. It required a lot of manpower to light the candles, and we had to rush to beat the rain. The stress was intense, but the final result was worth it. When I saw the footage and the reactions of those who had viewed it, I felt like I was on cloud 9.

5. Since you have a trans individual in the series, what has the response been from the Myanmar audience?

Ans: Our team is proud to present the first trans character, Thel Paing, in the Trust Series. It’s unfortunate that in Myanmar movies, trans characters are often portrayed in a comical light, emphasizing their seductive nature. This is far from the reality. Many trans individuals are thriving and lead successful lives, working hard and taking excellent care of themselves. We wanted to create a character that would break the mold and show the true qualities of honesty, hard work, and compassion. The response to Thel Paing has been overwhelmingly positive. While most people focused on the main characters, Asai’s portrayal of Thel Paing was exceptional and added a natural, supportive touch.

6. The process to the end took a very dark turn. Why the change in its direction?

Ans: I’m a huge fan of stories and movies with surprising plot twists, but I also want to see the characters grow and change. So, in my latest project, I’ve incorporated a twist in the characters themselves. In particular, audiences will witness Mani’s changing feelings towards Lyan, Lyan’s bravery, and Walar’s thirst for revenge. It’s possible that those who were hoping for a romantic connection between Mani and Walar may be disappointed, but what’s a good story without a twist? And to avoid a messy ending, I’ve decided to conclude the story in this way.

7. This series seems to be resonating with the international community and is beginning to generate a lot of buzz. How does that make you feel?

Ans: I am thrilled to learn that my work has been well-received by the international community. I always make it a point to read the comments when I have time, and it gives me goosebumps every time I read them on YouTube. Although some people may find the character Daw Si Si to be a conservative mother, there are many mothers like her in Myanmar. Young people often struggle to live their lives freely, which is why I wanted to convey a message that being a part of the LGBT community is nothing to be ashamed of. They are still your sons and daughters, and they will always love you as their parents.

8. Was it difficult to recruit actors/actress knowing they would be in a BL series?

Ans: Recruiting actors for a BL series is not particularly challenging. However, some actors do not respect the characters they play and may be reluctant to perform intimate scenes or portray their character’s sexuality accurately. Additionally, some actors may not respect their LGBTQ+ colleagues, using the series as a platform to gain more fans rather than representing the community authentically.

9. Given the nature of Myanmar stance on homosexuality, what was the reaction of the locals to filming in Bagan and how has it been received in Myanmar?

Ans: The producer and me, we can’t help but feel worried about how the local community might react to our work. Will they appreciate it or not? Will we need to make any changes to our series? These are just a few of the many questions that constantly race through our minds. However, one thing is clear: we will not express any romance through physical touch, such as holding hands, kissing or intimate scenes. Rather, we will convey romance through character expressions. As Buddhists, we are committed to preserving the sanctity of the land that is rich in Buddha heritage. Despite our concerns, we have been met with positive feedback from both the people of Bagan and other citizens.

10. Will there be a Season 2 of Bagan Beginning?

Ans: I am not quite sure yet. But another series in pre-production stage which will be expected to be shown in March. Although we are making a buzz, there is still less viewership on YouTube (or) Facebook. So that, I would like to make a request to stream on YouTube which we air freely to watch. I hope you guys support us more, and we hope to do a world tour to see you guys in person someday.

Thank you “The BL Xpress” for your questions.

To be sure, this is not the full story. There is also an interview with the actors of this quite literally ground-breaking BL series that will be published shortly. That too is equally intense and introspective as this interview. If you have not done so, please go to YouTube or Facebook and watch this human drama/travelogue. It is unique if nothing else.

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