“Last Twilight” Series Review (Ep.4 to 12)

“Last Twilight” is a heartfelt romance between Mhok (Jimmy Jitaraphol) and Day (Sea Tawinan) who meet because Mhok lands a position as Day’s caretaker, as Day is going blind due to infectious keratitis. The two take each other on a journey of overcoming adversity, acceptance and personal growth. Throughout the series, Day has to come to terms with his eyesight getting worse and worse, but also getting over this and moving on with his life, forgiving his family, maturing in his worldview and starting a career for himself. While Day’s character develops, and so does Mhok’s the way they handle conflict was supposed to be in line with the growth that their characters experience, however, they do not and this leads to an unsatisfactory conflict plot line that did not make sense for the characters.

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