Be On Cloud Unveils New Updates on Upcoming Drama “4 Minutes”, Jes Jespipat and Bible Wichapas Will Be the Main Cast

Be On Cloud, the famous production house behind popular Thai dramas like “KinnPorsche” and “Man Suang”, has provided the latest information about their upcoming drama “4 Minutes”. This drama is adapted from a novel by Sammon Scene, a famous writer whose works have been widely adapted into series, including “Manner of Death”, “Triage”, and “Spare Me Your Mercy”.

Jes Jespipat Confirmed to Star in “4 Minutes” Alongside Bible Wichapas

Recently, Be On Cloud announced Jes Jespipat as the male lead in the drama “4 Minutes”. Jes Jespipat will be acting alongside Bible Wichapas, a young actor famous for his role in the series “KinnPorsche The Series”.

Two Teaser Videos Released, Showcasing Stunning Visuals of Jes Jespipat and Bible Wichapas

Be On Cloud has also released two teaser videos for “4 Minutes”. The first teaser introduces the character played by Jes Jespipat, while the second teaser features the character played by Bible Wichapas. Both teasers showcase stunning visuals from the two main actors.

Two New Posters Released, Featuring Jes Jespipat and Bible Wichapas in Black and White

In addition to the teaser videos, Be On Cloud has also released two new posters for “4 Minutes”. The posters feature Jes Jespipat and Bible Wichapas in black and white.

Information About 4 Minutes

“4 Minutes” is an original series produced by Be On Cloud, this series was announced by Be On Cloud in 2023 with its main cast being Build Jakaphan and Bible Wichapas, but due to issues related to Build Jakaphan, this series experienced production delays and a search for a new actor to replace Build Jakaphan.

Production Details

Title: 4 Minutes

Genre: Drama, Romance

Based on: Novel by Sammon Scene

Production: Be On Cloud

Cast: Jes Jespipat, Bible Wichapas

This article is adapted from, a BL news and entertainment portal.

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