Category Archives: Vietnamese Reviews

“The Servant and the Young Master” Series Review (Ep.1 to 7)

Once again, the Vietnamese prove their superiority in BL story telling over other countries with their big budgets and slick productions. Not only do they portray a human story, but, because of budget constraints, do so in a short period. Can you imagine if they had the money to put on full productions what these BLs would be like? And yet, the interest in Vietnamese BLs is obviously nowhere near those of Thai or Korean, which I find sad and disheartening. Why? Because most of these stories are relatable, connect to us personally, and genuinely touch us on an emotional level. This one is no exception to that axiom. It tells a deeply profound story not just in acting but in words as well. This is very well written.

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“Vian” Series Review (Ep.1 to 12)

This BL starts out rather non-descript and frankly, a bit boring. While the initial premise is interesting, it is only referenced once in the beginning mysteriously and then only tangentially afterwards, which made me wonder about the whole series. True to its Vietnamese roots, it has some powerful and poignant dramatic resplendence. However, its sustainability wears off rather quickly.

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“Stupid Genius” Series Review (Ep.1 to 6)

For pure entertainment and good, clean, fun peppered with a good dose of moral lessons thrown in for good measure, there is nothing like a good Vietnamese BL to do the job for you. To get there, however, you might have to sift through some unorthodox translations that may or may not make sense. But that doesn’t matter, because the overall story will. You will see at the end when the story is presented in full, how absolutely adorable the whole story is.

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“To Do (Oh My God)” Series Review (Ep.1 to 5)

To be honest, this comedic BL is uneven. The story at times got a bit pedestrian. But hidden in this series is another tale; one that is not so sweet and with hints of deep pain and sadness. It is simply confounding yet brilliant how this BL can tell two different stories bound to one character that, seemingly, are insignificant. But is he the key to this captivating series?

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“Love Bill” Series Review (Ep. 1 to 10)

This is one of those series that is so centric to being Vietnamese, that it might not be translatable into other languages. Idiomatic expressions and nuances of the language are powerful but when translated into other languages might not have the same intended impact. Does that take away anything from the series? Sure, it does. Does it make watching this series more difficult to interpret? Absolutely. Does it make it less impactful? No! I still felt its impact. I merely have to translate into my own internal language and give it meaning to me. And this series is astonishingly moving and so full of life. And that life had so many peaks and valleys that it made watching it joyful and sorrowful emotionally for me.

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“Memory” Series Review (Ep.1 to 14)

I have a special place in my heart for Vietnamese BLs. I consume them as they are so creative and tell substantial human stories on an emotional level. This one did too; just not as well as others. And I am sorry about that because I think their intent was in the right place. The execution was just not so effective.

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