Tag Archives: Ja Phachara

“Be Mine SuperStar” Series Review (Ep.1 to 12)

If you spend more than a nanosecond of time analyzing this series, you will find it so logically implausible with the story so full of holes that literally makes no sense, it will make your head spin. But if you watch it merely for pure entertainment value and put yourself on the couch with ‘Grandma’ and watch it as a Soap Opera, you will love it. I loved it, so I guess I sat next to Grandma. (You will get the reference if you watch the series. I do wish she had a bigger role. She was so entertaining). In general, there are two main characters, two more or less minor characters, and a slew of supporting characters, one of whom really steals the series, while others should have been written out of the series or actually never written in.

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“Be Mine, Superstar” First Impressions (Ep.1 to 3)

JaFirst is one of my favorite BL Ships. I enjoyed their characters of Leo and Fiat in TharnType: 7 Years in Love – and I loved them even more in their spin-off series Don’t Say No and though they were part of an ensemble cast, Remember Me was a masterpiece.

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