Tag Archives: Louis Thanawin

“The Eclipse” Series Review (Ep. 3 to 12)

Were I to judge The Eclipse only for the first 10 episodes, or in a situation where they had paced the last two episodes better, my rating would have been higher than a 3.

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Safe House SS3 or… well… Twerk House

Welcome to the first Safe House of 2022, advertised as Couples’ Getaway, because unlike previous seasons where GMMTV had one or two shipped couples and a handful of others, this season had 5 pairs – OffGun, EarthMix, JimmySea, NeoLouis and JoongDunk. It was also a season where the gimmick was called ‘Best Bro Secret’: each member had a best bro looking out for them, sending messages through the producers, making their bros or others do tasks, and so on.

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