Tag Archives: Night Dream

“Night Dream” Series Review (Ep.1 to 6)

Within the dynamic and ever-changing realm of Thai Boys’ Love (BL) series, “Night Dream” presents a moving story of love, friendship, and personal growth. The protagonist of the show is Night, a senior literature student who finds it difficult to write his final novel because he has never experienced love. The story takes shape as Night makes contact with Dream, a buddy he hasn’t seen in a long time, who helps him understand the nuances of love.

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Weekly BL Updates

Step into the vibrant world of Boys Love (BL) as we embark on a weekly exploration through the latest in BL movies and series from around the world. Each week we’ll uncover new releases, discuss fan favorites, and dissect the impact of these compelling stories. Without further ado here’s what’s new this week.

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Weekly BL Updates

July has come with a few changes, mainly in terms of delivery of news. We just wanted to take this time to remind you that whether you are on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Threads, you can count on ‘The BL Xpress’ to be there. Without further ado here’s what’s been happening in the BL universe this week.

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