Tag Archives: To Be Continued

“To Be Continued” Series Review (Ep. 1 to 8)

Admittedly, this series is perfectly named. It did seem to continue to go on and on endlessly. It was like being adrift in a rudderless boat floating in an ocean of tropes, cliches, banalities, stereotypes, and platitudes. Sooner or later, you would bump into one of them on your way to wherever it was you were supposed to be going. Unfortunately, this series went nowhere because it had nowhere to go to.

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Weekly BL Updates

It’s been a busy month, with new releases, updates or exclusives dropping right or left. It’s difficult to keep up with the news, but BL Xpress is here to keep you abreast with the latest happenings. Join us, as we share the most recent announcements!

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Weekly BL Updates

As the curtain rises on a new day, join us in uncovering the hidden gems, celebrating the pioneers, and anticipating the groundbreaking narratives that await. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, The BL Express is your ticket into the ever-evolving realm of Boys Love. With that being said, here’s whats hew and happening this week.

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