Tag Archives: War of Y Series

“War of Y” Series Review (Ep.1 to 20)

There are four anthologies involved in this series. The four are tangentially connected but in the most loosely defined way. Each involves a ship in the world of Y from various dimensions, none of which are flattering, or display any sense of socially acceptable behaviors. To be sure, every profession has its unsavoriness, but this series tended to show that every aspect of the BL industry is fraught with ruthlessness and pain. Is it worth it? For many, it is their life-long dream, but it is paid at a very high cost.

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#TeamBLXpress Current Watchlist/Anticipated Shows- Part III

#TeamBLXpress always endeavors to keep you abreast of the latest updates in the Boys’ Love universe. As such, our team members have been arduously sharing their “Current Watchlist/Anticipated Shows” for the past few weeks. In today’s feature, we will be talking about the upcoming shows that are receiving a lot of attention from avid fans; also we will be sharing our current preferences as well. Buckle your seatbelts and join us on this joyride!

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#TEAMBLXPRESS Current Watchlist/Anticipated Shows

Sharing is caring!!

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Favorite BL Quotes/Dialogues- Part III

Dialogue in fiction is always written to be read in silence. The page is the limit.

Dialogue on stage and on the screen is meant to be spoken. The voice is the limit- Guillermo Cabrera Infante

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