Tag Archives: What Did You Eat Yesterday Season Two

“What Did You Eat Yesterday Season Two” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

“What Did You Eat Yesterday” took the world by storm in 2019 with its slice of life, adult take on a healthy relationship between two forty-year-old gay men: a hairdresser named Kenji (Uchino Seiyou) and his then in the closet lawyer boyfriend, Shiro (Nishijima Hidetoshi). The couple dealt with most moments that came to any couple with a smile and a well-cooked meal. Something that viewers literally ate up for the show to receive critical acclaim, a full length big-budget movie and a three episode special series. And now a second season continuing the lives of our favorite couple with the big 5-0 just around the corner.

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Upcoming Asian BL Dramas+Weekly Updates

Welcome to another exciting edition of our Weekly Boys Love Drama Roundup! In a world where love knows no boundaries, the boys love genre continues to captivate audiences with its heartfelt narratives and compelling characters. In this edition we’ll unveil the latest gems set to grace our screens, introduce you to the brilliant actors who bring these stories to life, and keep you updated on the hottest news from the world of Boys Love entertainment.

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