The BL Xpress Talks to Popular Thai BL Author Bam Bam

In the past few weeks, there has been alot of buzz surrounding the novel adaptations “Cutie Pie The Series” and “Fahlanruk The Series”.

We were lucky enough to get a chance to interview the novelist, Bam Bam. Join us, as we strike a conversation with Bam Bam about her latest book adaptations and the thought process behind the making of each!

1) There is alot of anticipation surrounding your novel “Cutie Pie The Series” which is currently being adapted into a drama series. Talk to us about this novel? What made you choose this subject matter?

Actually, I love to create an English name for my novels. Cutie Pie is one of my favorites. Thai fans also love the Thai name ‘ นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ ’. It is kind of Thai Art of words, I don’t know how to explain it lol. At the beginning, I never thought that it will come this far. I just wrote it last year and posted it on the web. The novel was ranked number one on the website. Then the printed version and E-book become a best-seller, got an award and then… CutiePieSeries materialized! All of these just happened in six months.

2) What did you have in mind when you created the main protagonist, young businessman Hie Lian?

Young businessman mostly appear in many stories, so I wanted Hia Lian to be a bit outstanding. Old but New. There is a Chinese Thai saying in which older brother is called as Hia, so I chose this. Moreover, I havd added many details to make this character more attractive such as; a Chinese-Thai life style, spoken language and some traditions.

3) The other protagonist, Kuea seems like an easy-going person. How did you visualize this character?

He was born in Thai noble family. He is mild mannered, neat and an introvert. But I wanted to make this character more special by adding a secretive part. Whether he stays alone or with friends, he is a lively person. He loves to prank his friends like most normal teenager do.

4) Zee Pruk and New Chawarin will be portraying the main characters in “Cutie Pie The Series”. While Zee is already familiar with the BL genre, New Chawarin is fairly new to the genre. What is your personal opinion about these actors?

I think It is very amazing to have ZeeNew here. Zee and New’s real age is almost similar to the characters. Especially, I personally feel that New and Kuea look alike! They also look good together in the teaser. Better than I thought! And I think the fans will also love the casts.

5) Were you involved in the casting process? What vision you had in your mind for the actors portraying Hie Lian and Kuea?

I gave them the idea about the character, their age and some other special details.

6) “Fahlanruk The Series” is one of your popular novels. The adaptation was delayed for more than a year, but it is back on track. Talk to us about the storyline?

Fahlanruk is about two guys having “Friends with Benefit relationship”. Fahlan and Sherbet! Sherbet is afraid of love; on the other hand, Fahlan wants to win his heart. The story setting is in the University, but I really love this storyline and there is a turning point. Please find the answer while watching the series!

7) Recently the cast for Fahlanruk was revealed. What is your personal opinion about the actors portraying the main characters Fahlan and Sherbet?

There are four couples and the series will deviate from the novels. I feel like it will have a different point of view from mine. I do love the casts and I’m waiting to see the show.

8) Fahlan is the ideal man that everybody dreams about, while Sherbet is callous and doesn’t believe in love. How will these two unusual characters fall in love?

I think I can’t tell you about this lol. But it is because both are quite different, so it is opposites attract!

9) Could you tell us how did you negotiate for “Cutie Pie The Series” and “Fahlanruk The Series” to become a drama series? How did you come into contact with their respective production houses?

I talked to them a lot before signing the contracts. Right now, I am like one of the fans waiting to watch both the shows. I’m quite busy with my own works, so I let them work themselves lol. I’m just an adviser if they need any help.

10) Are any other of your novels in the process of being adapted into TV series? If yes, please share more details about them?

For now, it is under discussion!

The BL Xpress would like to thank Bam Bam for taking the time from her busy schedule to answer our questions!

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