Celebrating A New Milestone- Two Hundred Thousand Views

It seems like yesterday when I started this website and it has been nine months already. We crossed the “One Hundred Thousand” milestone in August and in two months, we are two Hundred Thousand strong!

When I started this website, I really didn’t have any clear goals or strategy. I had just resigned from Psychomilk and yet my love for writing reviews was staring right back at me. The BL Xpress was obviously an attempt to give voice to my opinions. I need to thank ZombieSlimFast, because he kept pushing me to move ahead with this project. Frankly, I was quite nervous about handling a new website all by myself, but ZombieSlimFast trusted me. It was this trust and fervent support, that has led to our phenomenal growth in the past few months. This post would be incomplete, if I didn’t appreciate my dear friend, Kdarlings. Her reviews and opinion pieces are an artwork, transcending beyond boundaries, while connecting with our reader’s hearts.

Our success belongs to the other members of our team as well- Yarnball, PotatoBLChild, Mycelle Love and BLBlissAuthor. I love exploring different themes with each of them. It might be a learning curve but all of them keep surprising me every day and frankly, it is an entirely riveting experience. All our team members are busy individuals; some are students while others are working. Despite their busy schedule, they have never failed me nor our readers. At times, I can be a control freak, so I’m also learning to be more patient and rely on their instincts.

September bought a new surprise as one of my closest friends and popular book reviewer, Prats decided to join our website. I have always been a huge fan of her writing style and getting to work with her is sheer pleasure. We are also expecting some new team members, so keep watching this space for the latest additions to our colorful team.

Today’s article is to thank our ardent readers, who have become an integral part of our journey. You inspire us to work tirelessly, so that we can bring you quality content. We are overwhelmed with the trust, that you have placed on our shoulders. We will continue to persevere in the future to bring you exclusives and topnotch data. The BL Xpress is grateful to our subscribers and followers. Particularly, we would like to thank our readers, who take the time to comment on our posts. Your valuable insights help us in improving the articles. Because of our busy schedules, it is difficult to reply to each and every comment; but we love reading your messages.Since, we are celebrating our successful journey, we wanted to share some important statistics relevant to our website.


238 Blog Posts Published

We have readers spanning across more than 200 countries. Our largest audiences are based in the United States, India, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. This is unbelievably exciting!We have had more than 200,793 views till now, with more than 114,248 visitors. Approximately 1.5k to 1.7k views per day!


1) Top 20 Asian BL Dramas in the First Quarter of 2021 (11 to 20)- 18,665 views

2) Top Ten Chinese BL Dramas- 13, 789 views

3) Artist’s Profile Yang Yu Teng- 5,680 views

4) “Link Click” Donghua First Impressions (EP.1 to 4)- 5, 555 views

5) Top Ten Taiwanese BL Dramas- 4,880 views

6) Top 20 Asian BL Dramas in the First Quarter of 2021 (1 to 10)- 4,794 views

7) My All Time Favorite BL Movies (Part I)- 3,720

8) “Thousand Autumns” Donghua Series Review (Season One)- 3,580

9) “I Promised You The Moon ” Series Finale- 3,412 views

10) Upcoming Asian BL Dramas VII- 2,831 views

Despite the difficulties faced due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the Boy’s Love industry has managed to turn the tide in their favor. While most BL productions may not be upto the mark, we at “The BL Xpress” will continually bring you the latest updates, reviews and exclusives from the Asian Subcontinent. It takes alot of dedication and hard work to manage our website, but we are willing to do so. For your sake, for our readers!

We would love to hear your suggestions about the kind of articles you want to read in the future. Join us in this celebration, please do comment on this post and share your valuable feedback. We are waiting to hear from you!

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4 thoughts on “Celebrating A New Milestone- Two Hundred Thousand Views”

  1. Thanks to everyone for their great writing and insights! Can you compose a piece about SUMMERDAZE: THE SERIES? If produced it will not only be the first Singaporean BL series, but just as groundbreaking, the first English language LGBT-themed series featuring Asian actors in the main roles. As far as I can tell, there has never been a series focusing on a same sex Asian couple on U.S., Canadian, British or Australian T.V. The closest I’ve seen are some Filipino series in which characters speak a mixture of English and Tagalog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, can you do me a favour please? Since you are an internet site with worldwide audience could you give us explanations when you use indian terms like 2 lakhs?!? I have no idea how much is that! BTW, great articles!!

    Liked by 1 person

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