Exclusive Interview with “Gay OK Bangkok” & “Getaway” Star Paween Nalieng

Paween ‘Snooker’ Nalieng is a Thai actor best known for his role as ‘Big’ in the popular Thai gay web drama series ‘Gay Ok Bangkok’.

Produced by LINE TV, ‘Gay Ok Bangkok’ spawned two seasons that garnered around one million views per episode. Fluent in English and Thai, Snooker is quite well known on the social media. Currently, he is starring in the on-air Singaporean BL “Getaway” as Top. Let’s get to know more about this popular Thai BL actor, as he shares details about his personal & professional life!

1) You are currently starring in on-air Singaporean BL ‘Getaway’ as Top and have also portrayed the role of Big in hugely popular series ‘Gay OK Bangkok’. How did you get selected for both roles? Share your experiences!

My ex-boyfriend is a friend of the director of ‘Gay OK Bangkok’ and he suggested that I audition for the role of ‘Arm’. The director felt I was more suited to the role of ‘Big’ instead, so that was how I got the role,

For ‘Getaway’, Sean told me about his wish to produce a gay drama while we were at a party. I thought it was an interesting idea so I expressed interest and he wrote the script and the role of Top with me in mind.

2) Both of these character roles are quite different from each other. What kind of mindset did you have while portraying them?

In terms of mindset, I would try to find similarities between myself and the roles that I play, so that I would be able to act as naturally as possible.

3) In “Getaway” you are portraying the role of a hopeless romantic who is unlucky in love? How much do you co-relate to this storyline and the ensuing romance?

No, because I’m not really a romantic.

4) You seem to have good rapport and refreshing chemistry with your “Getaway” co-star Sean Foo? How comfortable are you both working with each other?

Quite comfortable because we were already friends before working together on the drama.

5) What are the apparent similarities and differences between you and the characters that you played?

For Big, I was young when I played him so I could relate to his desire to explore the gay scene.

For Top, my greatest similarity with him is that I also want to find love so I can understand his wish to have a serious relationship. My biggest difference with Top is that I’m a lot more shy than he is.

6) Tell us a little more about yourself? Your likes, dislikes and favorites? What kind of movies/dramas do you prefer to watch?

I like watching series and movies, especially horror movies.

7) What is your opinion about BL content? Thailand is currently seeing a sudden surge of BL dramas? What do you feel about this?

It’s a good thing because it means people are more open to the gay community.

Recently, I talked to a straight barber who likes BL dramas so I think it’s cool that BL dramas are able to connect with straight people and help them understand the LGBT community.

8) Will you continue to work in BL dramas in the future? If yes, then what kind of scripts would you prefer?

Yes I would.

I love horror shows so I think it would be cool if I get to act in a horror themed BL.

9) We have a lot of BL fans and members of the LGBTQ+ community as our avid readers. Do you have any advice or message to share with them?

Being gay is not easy for many of our fellow LGBT members especially in some countries where gender equality is not as well accepted as Thailand.

This drama series is not just an acting experience to me, more importantly, I hope I can inspire more people to be proud of who they are and be their own superstar in their lives.

The BL Xpress would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Paween Nalieng and Dear Straight People for this Exclusive!

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