Getting Candid With “The Day I Loved You” Stars Raynold Tan, Rabin Angeles, and Tommy Alejandrino

Love triangles aren’t exactly uncommon. We often wonder if the main lead would end up with one or another. Upcoming Pinoy BL “The Day I Loved You” plays on this curiosity while subtly capturing the essence and memoirs of first love.

Helmed by “BenXJim” director Easy Ferrer, the drama is an endearing and light-hearted take on the “Boys’ Love” genre. Involving a fresh cast, “The Day I Loved You” stars actors Rabin Angeles, Raynold Tan, and Tommy Alejandrino in the lead roles of Justin, Elli and Nikko. The recently released trailer has further upped the anticipation and fans are undoubtedly excited about the premiere of this show. In the midst of their busy schedule, we sat for an intriguing conversation with Rabin, Raynold, and Tommy. Their infectious energy is rather contagious and we couldn’t help but fall in love with their compelling personalities. Join us as we talk to the handsome trio about their personal and professional lives!

Questions for Raynold Tan

1) Being a TikTok content creator isn’t an easy job. Gaining followers is even more difficult. You have to be trending. What kind of ideology do you adopt while working on your videos?

I try my best to showcase my personality and keep things authentic when posting on TikTok. That said, I’m currently trying to create higher-quality videos and include more skits while retaining authenticity and showcasing my personality.

2) You were recently featured in Harper’s Bazaar alongside Singaporean actors David Eung Hao and David Matthew. You seem to share to a close bonding with them. Was it surreal working with them?

We ARE close! It’s always a pleasure working together with them. It was initially a company’s decision to group us as a trio. Although the three of us are extremely different, these guys have been my pillars of support, and I’m glad that we were able to find ways to bond and connect with one another. And because we’re so different, I think we complement one another really well. I’ve always respected David Matthew’s acting ability and frequently seek acting advice from him. On the other hand, David Eung Hao has been my go-to mentor for anything fashion & beauty related (of course he’s a great actor too!). We’ve done many photoshoots and a few magazines shoots together, but we haven’t done a show together as a trio. I’m still waiting (hopefully) for that opportunity.

3) You are starring as the main lead Elli in the upcoming Pinoy BL “The Day I Loved You”? Excited about playing this role?

Of course! It’s the first time I’ve gotten an opportunity to act in a BL and such a role doesn’t come by often. Besides, I’m getting the chance to act with such a talented cast. Who wouldn’t be excited?

Questions for Rabin Angeles

1) You are starring as the main lead, Justin in the Pinoy BL, “The Day I Loved You”. Overwhelmed, excited or nervous?

This is my first time playing one of the lead roles. I am both nervous and excited. Since I’m still a rookie in this field, I’m also concerned about how well my acting abilities will be appreciated by the viewers.

2) This is your first time acting in a BL drama and you have been paired opposite two other actors. What kind of camaraderie do you share with them?

I showed them who the real Rabin truly is. I treated the entire crew as if they were my family. They were all so kind to me, therefore I treated them all like my brothers and sisters. We had a good time hanging out together and offered each other advice as well. Every scene in this series is enjoyable for us as well.

Questions for Tommy Alejandrino

1) You won the “Best Actor Award” for portraying the role of Amir in the movie “The Baseball Player”. Did you ever imagine winning an award for your rookie act?

I didn’t want to think about the possibility of winning because I thought, “what good would this do me or my performance?”. In fact, it may have just turned out to be a distraction. So no, I never imagined winning. I deliberately didn’t want to know what could happen for me or the film in order for me to fully experience it all with fresh eyes and zero expectations.

2) You are starring as the main lead, Nikko in the Pinoy BL, “The Day I Loved You”. How are you preparing yourself to play this role?

Nikko and I have a lot in common. So in order to portray this uniquely written character the best way that I could, it only became necessary that I bare the most vulnerable parts of myself. I felt the need to unearth these parts that I kept hidden for most of my life and channel it into bringing life to Nikko’s character. Nikko is made of my deepest “secrets”. That’s what made the process of playing this role quite therapeutic and sort of liberating. This was a very personal journey, and I’m glad I was able to get through it with the help of the warm company and presence that everyone brought to the set.

Couple Interview Questions

1) Tell us more about yourself and your background? Why did you choose to act as a profession?

Raynold: To be honest, I never considered becoming an actor until recently. Of course, as a kid, I toyed with the fantasy of becoming a star, but it wasn’t something I thought I would actually be doing because I never saw myself as having the capabilities to pursue such a career. But about a year and a half ago, my manager reached out to me on Instagram and asked if I was keen on pursuing a career in acting. At that point in time, I was in my second year of university, and I told myself “You know what, I’ll give it a shot”. I reasoned that there was no downside to trying out something new, something that I might never have the chance to do again if I passed on this opportunity. I was going to take it easy and do it for fun. And if things didn’t work out, I would just go back to pursuing my career in psychology. Who knew? I’d find so many people along who believed in me and pushed me to this stage.

Rabin: I’m from Angeles City, Pampanga. Of my three siblings, I am the youngest. I loved participating in pageants and modeling when I was younger. My aspiration is to pursue acting and become one of our nation’s top leading men. I began acting last year, and director Jason Paul Laxamana, whom I met through mutual friends, taught me the craft of acting. Thanks to him, I am slowly realizing my dreams thanks to his confidence in me, and for that, I am incredibly grateful.

Tommy: I’ve always wanted to be an actor since I was in sixth grade. I just felt that I would be happy doing what an actor does, whether on-screen or onstage. This propelled me to audition as a Theater Arts scholar of the Philippine High School for the Arts, where I underwent six years of theater training. When I graduated from senior high school in 2020, I decided to skip college and go straight to working as a freelance actor. Acting is the career path where I could integrate all of my personal interests and hobbies. It seemed to me to be the realm with the most possibilities as compared to if I pursued being a pianist or a gymnast because I know that someday the skills I have gained from my other interests and hobbies would eventually be put to use in my acting profession!

2) As a BL series, your show will be tackling themes relative to the LGBTQAI community. What is your opinion about these types of relationships?

Raynold: I think that a relationship is a bond between two individuals, and it doesn’t matter who the other individual is.

Rabin: I have nothing against LGBT people, and to be honest, I admire them for their kindness and hard work. The majority of LQBT+ individuals I’ve encountered are very generous and nice. That is why I respect and admire them so much. We are all equal, we all deserve to be respected, and we all have the right to love and be loved by anyone. Everyone has the right to act and dress however they want. It is not a sin to show who we all really are.

Tommy: My opinion on LGBTQAI relationships is that it’s okay! Everyone deserves to experience what it’s like to love and be loved. I want to believe that there is a place for everyone in this world; a place that feels like home, and that is safe and sound, the same way I believe that there is a person for every single individual. No one should get left behind.

3) Can you share more information about your character roles and how you got selected for the same?

Raynold: I play Eli, a ‘badboy’ exchange student who went to the Philippines to study. While Eli is always causing trouble, he does this for a reason, a reason you’ll have to find out by watching the show. Up til this day, I still find it surreal that I was cast for this role. The production was looking for an actor to play the role of Eli, when virtual playground suggested casting a foreign actor. And somehow, the role landed on me. I’m eternally thankful to virtual playground, the production, director Easy, the cast and the rest of the crew for giving me their trust and providing me with this opportunity.

Rabin: Justin, my character, is quite interesting. Justin is a nerdy boy who is close with Nikko. He is slowly falling in love with his best friend but is afraid to say anything until Eli gets ahead of him.

I prayed one night because I was upset since no project had come to me yet, and I asked the Lord, “Lord, whatever project you give me, I will give it my best, whatever project it is, I will take it,” and then the next day we had lunch, and director Jason asked me if I was willing to do BL Series. I was shocked at first and wondered if I could do BL. To be honest, I said no at first because I thought I couldn’t do it, but when director Jason asked me again if I really didn’t want it, I remembered that I had prayed that if I was ever given the opportunity to work on a project, I would not turn it down no matter how difficult it was. So I accepted it and informed Direk Jason. Then Direk assisted me with the audition for this series. I am grateful to Direk Easy and Ms. Rosel for giving me this opportunity.

Tommy: I auditioned and got the role on the same day, where shooting would start two days later. So I had just one free day to read all ten episodes and prepare for the role. The most notable characteristic and strength of Nikko is his unwavering belief in kindness, and the good that sprouts from it. He is a spirit of love.

4) In your own little way, how can you be a representation of these characters, and how will you portray the idea that “Love is love and is beyond gender”?

Raynold: Obviously, love is beyond gender. There are many kinds of love, like familial love, spousal love, and even platonic love. And I express these forms of love in different ways. But regardless of gender, I love my family members all the same. I would love my future partner in the way they would want to be loved and I love all my friends the same way.

Rabin: I think that love is a sensation that is gender neutral and universal. Anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, can experience it. It is essential that we acknowledge and appreciate the truth that love should not be restricted to a certain gender or sexual preference. We must eliminate the prejudices and stereotypes that still exist towards the LGBTQ+ population in today’s society. Love between people of the same gender is just as real and significant as love between people of different sexes. Love is about connecting with someone, regardless of gender, and it is something to be appreciated. Regardless of a person’s gender or sexual orientation, we must continue to advocate for acceptance, love, and equality for all people. Love is love, and it transcends (beyond) gender. We must accept the variety of love in all of its manifestations because it is a strong force that has no bounds.

Tommy: To be a beacon of light in this world grants one with the ability to see the love that transcends and triumphs over the limitations of gender, race, and class. I try to set my mind to truly believing that every day is another opportunity to make better decisions, enforce stronger relationships with others that are rooted in love, and choose to be brave amidst the most frightening times. To be understanding instead of closed off is something I strive towards every day, which I feel can be achieved by charging the little moments in a day with this perspective.

5) How comfortable are you guys with each other? What kind of romance can we expect from “The Day I Loved You”?

Raynold: From 1 -10? 11! It’s a really sweet show centred around brotherly love and, of course, Boys’ Love. So expect a lot of romantic moments between Tommy, Rabin and I *Wink*

Rabin: We feel at ease with each other, and we did our parts well. The story itself is incredibly romantic. Actually, this is the first time I’ve played a role in which the true emotions weren’t expressed. Justin has feelings for Nikko, but he is unable to express them. Some of the viewers can connect to this kind of story, and I am certain that many can.

Tommy: Even during the chemistry test where I had just met Raynold and Rabin, it was easy to connect to them, so I would say that I am very comfortable with the two. The romance present in this series emphasizes the high school puppy love we experience with our crushes! We have done our best to depict the giddy, cute, and wholesome aspects in this stage of infatuation- exploring, growing up, and finding love.

6) Once the shows air, you will be famous as a BL actor. How are you going to handle the subsequent attention and fame?

Raynold: HAHAHAHAHA I think that it might be jumping the gun a little to say I’ll become a famous BL actor. But regardless of how this turns out, I’ll do my best to continue to stay humble and just be who I am.

Rabin: I made a serious commitment to myself that no matter how far this path takes me, I will always be the “Rabin” that everyone is familiar with, and I won’t let this role make me forget my modest beginnings. I would be delighted to cast in another BL Series if given the chance, and I will always be grateful wherever I go in this field.

Tommy: I don’t know hahaha! I guess we’ll see because honestly, the attention and fame that will surely occur after our show airs scares me. I knew that these things would eventually happen when I chose to really be a full-time actor, but it doesn’t take away the fact that having more eyes on you can be nerve-wracking. I am very excited and hopeful about this series to reach as many people as possible, nonetheless!

7) Will you both continue to work in more BL dramas? If yes, then what kind of scripts will interest you?

Raynold: If the right opportunity arises, I would more than love to. I haven’t really thought about it yet, but I’ve always wanted to play the role of someone struggling with mental health issues. A script written from this angle would definitely pique my interest.

Rabin: Yes, I will accept it if I am given the opportunity to do BL again. I really enjoyed portraying this role. I’d like to attempt playing a drug addict if I get the chance to take on a role in addition to BL roles.

Tommy: Why not! This series was easy to say yes to because of how much I loved how it was written, and what it stands for. If the material excites me and is meaningful to me, that’s when I would most probably say yes to a BL series, or any project for that matter.

8) Do you have any message for the international BL community? What do you want people to know about you?

Raynold: For many of the cast members it’s our first time acting in a BL series. I hope you’d give this show a chance, and if it goes well, I’ll see you again for season 2 *WINK*

Rabin: I want to thank those who will watch and support our series. There is so much to look forward to in this series. This series will excite you and will also make you cry. I hope you all will enjoy it and I hope to meet you all very soon. To all the BL and LGBTQ+ people out there, just be yourself, don’t be scared to express yourself, and don’t be afraid to love because no matter what happens, we all deserve to love and to be loved. There is enough love for all of us.

Tommy: One can only imagine the hardships a queer person goes through: the struggles of being ostracized, neglected, and demonized. My message to the international BL community is intertwined with my approach to portraying Nikko, which is predicated on the belief that the things that queer individuals are shunned for are paradoxically their source of strength. It is these parts of ourselves that have been buried under artificial behavior and accepted conduct that can actually serve as the key to feel free, to be unapologetically whoever we choose to be, and ruthlessly love whoever we choose to love, that is, if we choose to see it that way. Nikko speaks volumes about being an advocate for this beautiful state of understanding that we all have our parts to play in this world. Perhaps it isn’t a mistake that one is queer. Perhaps that is the very thing that helps one achieve the privilege and bliss that comes with being authentic to one’s self. And from there, one can just be.

The BL Xpress would like to express their gratitude to Raynold Tan, Rabin Angeles, and Tommy Alejandrino for this exclusive. We are also thankful to Director Easy Ferrer for arranging this interview!

(Rabin’s replies translated from Filipino to English by- Director Easy Ferrer and BL Xpress member Stayloki94)

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