“Hidden Agenda” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

Hidden Agenda is a typical varsity based love story between Joke (Joong Archen) and Zoo (Dunk Natachai). Zo has a crush on Nita, a fellow student who is Joke’s ex-girlfriend. To woo Nita, Zo’s friends advise Zo to ask Joke for help in winning his ex-girlfriend’s heart. After watching the first two episodes, I found the plot to be a bit similar to another on-air GMMTV series, Be My Favorite. The main lead has a crush on a fellow student and seeks the help of a handsome guy who is either the ex of the girl they have a crush on or the person the girl has a crush on.

The show gives “Enemies to Friend’s to Lover’s” vibe, with tension brewing between the two male leads, Joke and Zo. Zo, who has a crush on Nita, wants to make a move on her but is afraid to do so. So, his friends suggest he should ask for help from her handsome ex-boyfriend, Joke (I find this pretty hilarious because what kind of ex helps a person woo their ex-partners). While the foolish trio are having this conversation on the bus, Joke overhears them and proposes to Zo that he will help him. Zo, however, declines his offer.

Moving forward, both Joke and Zo have a subtle frenemies sort of tension between them; it’s obvious from Joke’s attitude and body language that he likes Zo. I am quite interested in understanding why Joke is so enamored by Zo. The episodes move forward on with an argument or you can say misunderstanding between Joke and Zo mainly on Zo part’s. Joke works as a part-time singer in a pub; he sings a song dedicated to someone who is in one-sided love but doesn’t have the guts to express himself. Zo misunderstands Joke and they end up having a physical altercation. However, it was cute watching Zo apologize to Joke after understanding that being this rude to someone and blaming them without knowing the full reason is wrong.

As the second episode rolls on, we see a development in their relationship, as they reach a stage where they are almost friends. Zo mentors Joke to help him join the debate club, which he is a part of, and in return Joke helps him change his appearance and personality to woo Nita. Zo’s senior Wave (Pod Suphakorn) is unwilling to accept Joke into their fold and as such he forces Zo to debate against Joke, the choosen topic being “Hidden Agenda”. It was entertaining and ridiculously hysterical to watch them debate. It seemed that Joke in particular related to the semblance of a “Hidden agenda or some ulterior motive” in a relationship, as his opinions suggested the same. Since from his behavior we already have an idea about his hidden agenda, it was clear that he spoke from his heart. With the song he sings and the way he looks at Zo, I don’t think there is any need to explain how this story will proceed.

From the first two episodes, I will say this show is a simple fluffy stuff without any deep hidden meaning. It will be better to watch it without demanding a complex storyline because the show is the opposite of complex and is cheesy. The two main leads have a good chemistry and there is minimal to less awkward acting between them. Joong looks very handsome as Joke and I will say his acting skills have become even better than before; I like the fact that he himself sang songs in the series. Dunk as Zo comes out as a cute and nerdy person who is strong. I think Dunk is doing a commendable job. Overall, I hope the series will not disappoint in future episodes because the pilot episodes weren’t that bad and could be watched without too much judgment.

Rating- 3 out of 5

Streaming on- GMMTV

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