“Stay Still” Jeremy Ho & Louis LAM: Scripting New Success in the Hong Kong BL Scenery

Since mainstream Hong Kong cinema is still quite conservative, there are very few films depicting issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. At its heart, although there are productions like Happy Together, Twilight’s Kiss/Suk Suk, A Woman is a Woman, Butterfly and the most recent BL adaptation “Ossan’s Love”, queer storylines are still begging for attention and a proactive audience. In the midst of these struggles, we have a small, lesser known production from Hong Kong who is trying to bridge the distance between dreams and reality. And joining them on this crusade are a talented crew of actors who are delivering their daring acts with conviction. Join us as we talk to actors Jeremy HO and Louis LAM from “Stay Still” about the change they want to project with their on-air romance!

Questions for Jeremy Ho

1) You are starring as the main lead Damien in the on-air BL “Stay Still The Series”? How did you prepare yourself to play this role?

Jeremy: In fact, I really didn’t have to think too much about the role of Damien, because he is like my condensed version. In reality I am a free-spirited and sentimental tattoo artist, just like Damien. The only thing I needed to prepare myself for was the feeling and the connection between me and Louis. We needed to get to know each other well to have a better chemistry. So we saw each other pretty often. During and before the shooting time, we would share our own life stories, becoming closer and that absolutely helped us to get into the role.

The only thing I need to work on is the relationship and chemistry with louis, we will meet up privately during and before the shooting, we have been sharing private life, I believe this will definitely be To a certain extent, it helps us to play the role.

Jeremy: 事實上,我其實不用太去琢磨Damien 這個角色,因為他就是我濃縮的人生。在現實中我是一個渴望自由並且多愁善感的紋身師,就像Damien一樣。唯一一個我需要去下功夫的地方是跟louis 之間的感情和化學反應,在開拍途中和之前我們都會私底下約出來見面,我們一直都有在分享私底下的生活,我相信這一定會某程度上幫助我們角色的扮演。

2) You are portraying a character who is quite close to your real occupation as a tattoo artist. Did you incorporate any ideas from your daily life while enacting this role?

Jeremy: I’m a freelance tattoo artist, which is not the same as in the show. But I do have some ideas that I brought from my original job to the show. Tattoos are a way to vent, to feel, to remember or to remember. Every story is a tattoo that can be turned into a unique one.

In the series there are a lot of couples who want me to tattoo their names on their skin and when they broke up, they want me to get rid of it. If you look at it from the perspective of an audience, this may be a bit ridiculous, but in my opinion they are quite pitiful. They love the other party enough to have their name engraved on their body but they usually don’t have a happy ending.

The action of putting their lover’s names on their body is actually romantic but there are way too many cases that show their regrets at the end of their relationships and that’s makes the whole thing stupid. Tattoo is a promise, a lifelike art with emotions and commitment. I hope they can all keep their tattoos to the end.

This behavior is actually quite romantic in my opinion, but it is because there are too many relationships which end in regrets and when regrets happen, they make this behavior stupid. A tattoo is a commitment, a living art and a loyalty. I hope every tattoo can stay until the last moment of life.

Jeremy: 我是一個自由職業的紋身師,這跟劇裏面的不太一樣。但是我的確有一些想法是從我本來的工作帶到劇裏面的。紋身是一個去宣洩,去感受,去記得或是去紀念的一個途徑。每一個故事都是可以變成獨一無二的紋身。



Questions for Louis LAM

1) You own a YouTube Channel named “6ix-5ive”. Talk to us about the content you create?

Louis: The YouTube channel “6ix.5ive” was created by me and a group of friends. We primarily create a variety of content, hoping to share what we find interesting with others, and bringing joy to our audiences. This motivates us even more.

Louis: “陸點伍”這個頻道是我和一群朋友共同創立的,我們主要在裡面拍攝一些綜藝類型的主題,希望可以將我們覺得好玩的東西分享給別人看,而且帶到歡樂給人會令到我們更加有動力。

2) You are starring as the main lead Hayden in the on-air BL “Stay Still The Series”? Excited about playing this role?

Louis: I was really excited because it was my first time getting involved in the filming of a BL Series. The whole filming process felt fresh and exciting, but because I’m younger than the others, I was quite nervous. However, Jer took care of me in many ways, which made it easier for me to adjust quickly.

Louis: 挺興奮的,因為第一次參與BL題材的拍攝,拍攝過程中充滿新鮮感,而且因為我年齡上相比起其他人小,所以也十分緊張,不過Jer在很多地方都有照顧我,令到我很快融入到環境。

Couple Interview Questions

1) Tell us more about yourself and your background? Why did you choose to act as a profession?

Jeremy: My name is Jeremy Ho, 26 years old, working model and tattoo artist, I am a passionate person who doesn’t like boundaries and rules. Being a professional actor is just my first step. I want to become a more influential person and let everyone know me better.

Jeremy: 我叫Jeremy,26歲,就職模特跟紋身師,我是一個充滿熱情的人,不喜歡界線跟規則。當一個專業的演員只是我的第一步,我想要成為一個更有影響力的人然後讓大家更加了解我。

Louis: Due to some difficult and unfortunate experiences during my upbringing. I often witnessed others feeling unhappy or upset. As a result, from a young age, I hoped to do something to make the people around me happy. I gradually got involved in comedy, learning to bring joy to others through my performances. In this process, I discovered my knack for mimicry, further solidifying my belief in pursuing a career as an actor.

Louis: 因為我成長經歷不太愉快,有一些不幸的事情發生,常常看到別人不開心或者傷心,所以我從小就希望可以做一些事情令到身邊的人開心,所以慢慢可是接觸喜劇,學習透過表演去帶給人歡樂,而在過程中發現自己的模仿能力不錯,所以就更加肯定了演員這條路。

2) As a BL series, your show tackles themes relative to the LGBTQAI community. Being in a country with restrictive culture, how did you garner the courage to portray these roles?

Jeremy: Hong Kong is actually a place full of freedom and rights, not just BL, I think every kind of love is normal, love is love, I don’t need to explain which one is correct. But what puzzles me is that there are not many works in Hong Kong that express all kinds of love. I don’t know why everyone needs to gsrner courage to do something that is so normal. I actually feel a little ashamed, because there are already many examples of expressing different types of love in foreign countries. But Hong Kong, as a free place, doesn’t have many similar works, except for the artworks in the 90s. I want to bring back the spirit and feel of the 90s in Hong Kong to 2023, and of course the future.

Jeremy: 香港其實是一個充滿自由跟權利的地方,不只是BL,我覺得每一種愛都是正常的,愛就是愛,我不需要去解釋哪一種是正確的。但我比較困惑的點是香港並沒有很多作品是在表達各種愛。我不知道為什麼大家需要一個勇氣去做一些正常到不行的事情。我其實會有一點感到羞恥。因為在外國已經有很多例子是在表達不同類型的愛,但香港身為一個自由的地方卻沒有很多類似的作品,除了在90年代的藝術品。我想要把香港90年代的精神跟感受全都帶回來2023年,當然還有未來。

Louis: I hope that through this production, I can show everyone a different side of Louis Lam. In recent years, there has been increasing discussion about the LGBTQAI community, and we also to contribute to the community with this performance. I participated in this production with the mindset of making a difference in this regard.

Louis: 我希望可以透過這次製作呈現給大家看看一個不一樣的林漢忠。近年來有關LGBTQAI社群的討論度不斷提升,我們也希望藉著這次演出為群體出一分力。而我也是抱著這樣的心態參與這次的製作。

3) What is your opinion about LGBTQ representation and these types of relationships?

Jeremy: These different types of relationships are super normal to me, everyone have their own right to love, to tell the world what they want. At the end, I hope that everyone can respect each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, and hate less and love more.

Jeremy: 這一些不同類型的關係對我來說是超級正常的,所有人都有他們自己的權利去愛,去告訴世界他們想要的東西。在最後的最後我希望每一個人都能尊重對方,求同存異,少一點憎恨多一點愛。

Louis: I believe that everyone has the right to choose their own orientation, and an interesting soul should not be limited by any physical conditions. The connection between two people is the most important.

Louis: 我認為每個人都有權力選擇自己的取向,有趣的靈魂不應該局限於任何物理條件上,兩個人的投契是最重要的。

4) Can you share some more titbits about your characters and how you got selected for the same?

Jeremy: Damien doesn’t have a complete family, he lived with his grandmother since he was a child. Although he loves his grandmother very much, he has always felt trapped in this tenement building. He wanted to see more and experience the world more, so he chose a relatively free job – tattoo artist. But he also always felt lonely, so he often bought drunk to numb himself, until Hayden appeared, things began to change.

I think I was chosen for this role because of my personality and straightforward way of speaking.

Jeremy: Damien 沒有一個完整的家庭,他從小就跟外婆一起住。雖然他很愛他外婆,他一直都感覺被這一個唐樓困住。他想要看多一點,去感受這個世界多一點所以他選擇了一個相對自由的工作-紋身師。但是他也是一直會感覺到孤獨,所以他經常買醉去麻痹自己,直到Hayden的出現,事情開始改變了。


Louis: Once, in the early hours of the morning, we were shooting a scene on the rooftop. Due to poor sound insulation in the old building, we received a complaint about the loud volume. In order to complete the performance, we had to speak our lines at an extremely low volume, as if we were having a secret affair, so as not to be discovered by anyone. Hahaha. When they approached me, they had already prepared to start filming, except they were missing an actor to play Hayden. Later, Jer approached me and asked if I was interested in shooting a BL (Boys’ Love) plot. At first, I thought it was a scam, but when we met and I heard about what they had prepared, I found out that they had been planning for nearly two years. Their sincerity touched me, and I decided to take on the role of Hayden.

Louis: 有一次凌晨拍天台景,由於舊建築隔音不好,我們被投訴音量太大。為了完成演出,我們只好用極小的音量說台詞,想偷情一樣,不能被人發現,哈哈哈哈哈。當初他們找我的時候已經準備好開拍了,只差飾演Hayden的演員。後來jer找到我,問我有沒有興趣拍一個關於BL的劇情片,我一開始還以為是騙子,後來約出來後,聽到他們準備了的東西,先知道他們已經籌備了接近2年了。而我也被他們的誠意打動,決定出演Hayden這個角色。

5) How much do you believe in the adage that “Love is love and is beyond gender”. Are your character roles representative of this thought?

Jeremy: As I grew older, I became more and more convinced of the saying ‘love is love, regardless of gender’. Because when we were young, adults often told us what was right and what was wrong. Over time, you will naturally have a fixed impression of gender and the way of expressing love. But when you start to have your own ideas, when you know more about the world, you will find that there are many different and beautiful people in this world, and you will understand that there is no such thing as right or wrong in love and gender.

My character shares the same idea as me, he doesn’t believe that what’s right should always be right, he doesn’t like rules or boundaries, so he’s been making some tattoo art of his own. You can see that in the play he loves different types of butterflies, because you can’t tell whether the butterfly is male or female, the only thing you can see is the freedom and beauty of the butterfly.

Jeremy: 當我慢慢越長越大,我就越來越相信‘愛就是愛,無關性別’這句話。因為當我們還小的時候,大人們經常會跟我們説什麼是對的什麼是錯的。時間久了自然就會對性別和表達愛的方式由一個固定印象。但是當你開始有自己的想法,當你認識這個世界更多的時候你就會發現這個世界上有很多不同而且美麗的人,你會明白愛和性別根本沒有所謂的對與錯。


Louis: As I just said, an interesting soul should not be limited to any physical conditions. In the film, we can see that the two of us are very relaxed in getting along and slowly attracted to each other. It is the expression of this thought.

Louis: 正如我剛剛所說,有趣的靈魂不應該局限於任何物理條件上,而在片中可以看到我們兩個在相處上都十分放鬆,慢慢地被對方吸引的過程,正正就是表達了這種思想。

6) You both seem to have a very cute and adorable chemistry? How comfortable are you with each other?

Jeremy: In real life I’m 26 and Louis is 22, there’s a 4 year difference between us, but it’s a good thing because he can rely on me a little more, which is the case. I often played the role of a big brother to take care of him, and I also played the role of a friend to listen to him. Because he is a slower type offscreen and I have always been more active, so our relationship is more complementary.

Jeremy: 在現實生活中我26歲,Louis 22 歲,我們之間相差了4歲,但其實這是一個好事,因為他可以依賴我多一點,事實上也是一樣。我經常扮演一個大哥哥的角色,去照顧他,我也扮演了一個朋友的角色去聆聽他。因為他在鏡頭外面是比較慢熱的類型,而我卻一直比較活躍,所以我們的關係比較互補。

Louis: To be honest, it’s really reassuring being with Jer. He always does his best to help me with any problems I have. He takes care of me in many small ways, even helping me with picking up dishes during meals. So, I just need to rely on him.

Louis: 老實說和jer相處的過程真的挺安心的,我有任何問題他也會盡力幫助我。在很多小事上也十分照顧我,甚至連吃飯的時候也會幫我夾餸。所以我只需要依賴著他就可以了。

7) Will you both continue to work in more BL dramas? If yes, then what kind of scripts will interest you?

Jeremy: Of course, I was in a relatively excited state during the whole shooting process. I do want to try some gangster style like ‘KinnPorrsche The series La Forte’ or some movie star forbidden love BL.

Jeremy: 當然了,在整個拍攝過程我都是處於一個比較亢奮的狀態。對我來說這一定是沒有過癮的。我想要嘗試一些黑幫風格的BL 像是泰劇‘黑幫少爺愛上我’或者一些電影明星禁忌戀愛的BL.

Louis: I have talked with jer about this, obviously we also want to shoot some campus-themed works, but the campus scenes in this film have nothing to do with us, hahahahaha, we will continue to participate in more BL works in the future, Hope to get everyone’s support.

Louis: 這個我同jer都有聊過,明明我們也想拍一些校園題材的作品,結果這條片上的校園畫面全部與我們無關,哈哈哈哈哈,我們接下來會繼續參與更多BL的作品,希望可以得到大家支持

8) As young BL actors, what is your message to the international BL community? What do you want people to know about you?

Jeremy: The message I want to send to the BL community is ‘Listen to me, Hong Kong is coming for you, just wait and support us.’. I hope everyone can see the sexy, cute, and energetic me.

Jeremy: 我想對bl 群組說的是‘聽我說!香港正在向你走來,等著我們,繼續支持我們吧’ 我希望大家可以看得到性感的我,可愛的我和充滿能量的我。

Louis: I hope everyone can persist in what they love and express their own opinions. No one should be disrespected due to their gender or any other issue. As for me, I hope everyone can not only watch our films, but also pay more attention to the personal lives of each of our actors. You may discover more interesting aspects as well.

Louis: 我希望大家都可以堅持自己喜愛的東西,每個人都可以表達自己的立場,不應該因為性別等問題而不被尊重,至於希望大家除了看我們的片之外,也可以多多留意我們的每個人演員的個人生活,可能也會發現更多有趣的地方。

The BL Xpress would like to express their gratitude to Jeremy HO and Louis LAM for this exclusive. We are also grateful to Jupiter Entertainment for arranging this interview and graciously working on the translation as well!

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