GMMTV Announces The Suspension of ‘Cherry Magic 30ยังซิง’ YouTube Broadcast Due to Copyright issues

GMMTV, a leading Thai entertainment company, announced the postponement of the broadcast of the series ‘Cherry Magic 30ยังซิง’ for international fans. This delay is due to a lack of copyright issues.

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“Indigo Reimagined” Series Review (Ep.1 to 7)

I know my reviews of these floundering BL series perhaps are a bit too heartfelt, but I have great admiration for struggling productions which are making an effort to tell a story in its own way, no matter what the obstacles. So, therefore, I am willing and do indeed overlook many of the production flaws so that we can understand what motivates and drives these creations- a belief in themselves and an effort to tell a story with sincerity and commitment. Indeed, that is what this series is. It is a surprisingly intense BL series full of real people with genuine problems told perhaps a bit over dramatically. But as uncomfortable as the story is, there is nonetheless an underlying veracity to its message.

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