“What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2” Series Review (Ep.3 to 12)

I’m literally in tears because the drama ended too soon and there is STILL so much left to explore!

Have you ever felt this inexplicable connect to a storyline or characters that keeps you coming back for more? If you are an ardent fan of the “What Did You Eat Yesterday?” franchise, you will understand the connection. I have been religiously following this show for almost 5 years now and everytime, they make an announcement, my heart skips a beat. That’s how much I love this melodrama and I’m really invested in each and every character in this show. Starring veteran Japanese actors Nishijima Hidetoshi & Uchino Seiyou in the lead roles, this slice-of-life romance focuses on the daily lives and struggles of a middle-aged gay couple. You ask, what is so special about them? Shiro and Kenji are probably the most realistic depiction of the problems faced by a gay couple, in an idealistic, closeted society. Their renditions are so heartwarming and inspiring, you can’t help but get roped in their lives. For now, join me as we reminisce some of the finest moments from the sequel!

Daisaku & Gilbert Come A Full Circle

If you have following our main couple, you would realize that they have a very small but intimate friends circle. Not because they don’t socialize. It’s because Shiro is hesitant about inviting random people in his life, as they would question his relationship with Kenji. Daisaku (Yamamoto Koji) & Gilbert (Isomura Hayato) have slowly become a part of their lives; when they first met in Season One, Gilbert was hugely standoffish. His weird behavior seemed arrogant and outputting. But over the years, Gilbert has grown closer to our main couple. Yes, he is still quite weird but instead of being holed up at home; Gilbert is out enjoying festive times with Daisaku and Shiro-Kenji. Maybe that’s because he gets along well with Kenji, while Shiro & Daisaku bond more over their love for gourmet cuisine.

Best Friends Forever

Tominaga Kayoko (Tanaka Misako) has been such a huge part of Shiro’s life, that it was endearing watching her fawn over Kenji on their first meeting. Shiro and Kayoko mostly bond over their shared love for economical shopping, but over the years, Tominaga has become Shiro’s comfort zone. This is established, when Tominaga rightly points out that Shiro has always (subconsciously) being attentive to Kenji’s likes and dislikes. Shiro is an introvert and doesn’t like sharing details about his relationship. So, to realize that over the past few years, he has loosened up and has been constantly sharing tidbits about Kenji was surprising. It shows how much Shiro is comfortable with his sexuality now and has no qualms accepting it front of his close friends.

Family Meeting

One of the best moments in this show reckoned a “Meet & Greet” between Kenji’s family and Shiro. Over the years, we have often seen Kenji meet his family privately. Shiro has never accompanied him, so they weren’t introduced. Things changed when Kenji’s mother requests to meet Shiro. The meeting is obviously a hit because Shiro takes them to the best restaurant to make an impression. The vivid distinction between the parental units is so obvious; while Shiro’s parents took a long time to accept his relationship, he receives THAT easy acceptance from Kenji’s mother and sisters. Shiro feels overwhelmed, because familial bonding is so important when it comes to homosexual relationships. Shiro has been struggling too long with his own, so when Kenji’s mother welcomes him into their family, it is indeed a blessing in disguise.

Shiro & Kenji’s Happy Realizations

This season was hugely focused on Shiro realizing how much Kenji has changed his life for the better. It could be the moments when Shiro compares Kenji’s kind and caring nature to his ex-boyfriend’s hardheaded attitude; or when he realizes how much he loves sharing meals with Kenji. It’s these little things that have been shaping up their relationship. But it doesn’t change the fact, that Shiro is a planner; he needs to plan each and every detail for their future. As such, he comes up with the plan to adopt Kenji, so that he could leave his inheritance to his partner in an obscure yet legal manner. The conversation was deep because Kenji breaks down crying saying he doesn’t want to get adopted. Shiro is left aghast when Kenji points out that if they separate later, they would never have the chance to get married in the future, say if same sex relationships are legalized (because adoptive can’t marry their adoptees). Shiro is shocked to realize that Kenji has researched about the same. I loved how they conceited defeat in the end; with Kenji promising that he would always stay beside Shiro; even after his death.

Will I Miss This Show

Why is this even a question? I’m already missing my favorite couple, the delicious meals that Shiro prepares and their weekly quota of adorable bickering.

I rarely enjoy sequels, much less prefer watching the same couple for a couple of seasons. Nishijima Hidetoshi & Uchino Seiyou are an exception; the way they embody the quirks and quiet nuances of their characters is so refreshing. Especially, I’m a huge fan of Kenji; his patience and endurance is finally paying, with Shiro learning to appreciate him. They have come a long way, are more established in their respective careers and their families are more accepting of their relationship. But, I do think their journey hasn’t ended yet, there is a lot to be explored and I’m hoping their love story continues next season. Honestly, I can’t get enough of them!

Rating- 4.5 out of 5

Streaming on- Gagaoolala

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