“TORE” Series Review (Ep.1 to 6)

Frankly, this is a series that truly spirals into madness about a person who is nearly insentient. Functional, yet lost and absorbed in his own world. His father, Bosse (Peter Haber) is finally going to do something regarding his deadpan son who refuses to live. Tore (William Spetz) exists with his father and works in his father’s funeral business as a mortuary assistant. Suddenly, Tore is given a notice to vacate the house. His dad finally wants Tore to start to experience living his life on his own. Tore’s best and only friend, Linn (Sanna Sundqvist) who literally is part of the family as well, tries to get Tore to see this is for his own good. Feeling and experiencing the world for himself and being on his own will be good for him. She also knows that Tore is gay and needs to explore his sexuality. It does not take long for Tore to also figure out that his father has gotten a girlfriend, and it now seems obvious that he wants him out of the house, so they can live together.

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“Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

“Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” anime is based on a manga of the same name and is hands down one of the cutest and most adorable love stories out there. Most of the viewers will be familiar with the plot as live- drama of the manga has already been released in 2020. “Cherry Magic” is this heart-warming love story between Adachi and his colleague Kurosawa. According to urban-tales, people who remain virgin even after the age of 30, become wizards. The same happens to Adachi, who has remained a virgin at 30, thereby he gains the magical power to read people’s mind if he touches them or if they touch him. Confused, Adachi is still adapting to this magical ability when he comes across his office colleague, Kurosawa one day in the lift and accidently reads his mind, gaining the information that Kurosawa had a crush on him.

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6 Must-Watch BL (Boys’ Love) Films and Series Starring Ohm Pawat

Ohm Pawat Chittisawat is one of the most popular Thai actors in the world. He has starred in various successful BL (Boys’ Love) films and series, earning praise from fans. Here are 6 recommendations for BL films and series starring Ohm Pawat:

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“Ossan’s Love Returns” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

“Ossan’s Love Returns” continues the adventures of Japanese gay couple Maki and Haruta after the events of the first season and the follow-up movie. Ironically even after years of being together the two 30+ years old men have a thing or two to learn about everything. Luckily the entire cast of the original series is present to offer life lessons to the pair along the way. That being said most lessons are given to Haruta (the man needs all the help he can get) on maintaining a relationship and how to treat his husband.

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In Part One, the interview with the impresario of BAGAN THE BEGINNING, we connected with the breath of the series. Now we have a chance to discern the beauty and identify the brawn of the characters in the story because we sometimes forget that who carries out these fantasy aspirations are real live human beings who bring themselves into their depictions. Sometimes it is only a little or even just peripherally, while at other times it is substantial. In the case of these three young men, they brought more than most of us realized. For them, it became a labor of love. And a commitment to showcase a culture still steep in tradition and custom yet harnessing the winds of change as it gently breezes through its society, softly, imperceptivity bringing change. Each of them imparted a uniqueness to BAGAN THE BEGINNING that became more than their stunning good looks, which of course they are undeniably blessed with.


“Chaser Game W: Power Harassment Joshi wa Watashi no Moto Kano” First Impressions (Ep.1 to 3)

All’s fair in love and war; hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. These idioms perfectly capture the essence of the new Japanese GL Chaser Game W: Power Harassment Joshi wa Watashi no Moto Kano.

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Occasionally a series comes along that is so captivating that you begin to wonder about its own origins and is it as interesting as the story itself. Well, I got to find out and I found out that indeed its origins are just as fascinating as the make-believe story itself. By sheer luck, I was able to nail down an interview with the Director/Writer, Ko Kelvin, of this fascinating and engaging BL from a country obviously not particularly known for its BLs. In fact, its whole ethos on the engagement of gayness is rather repressing and yet perhaps that is what makes this story even more engaging and certainly reflective. It also gives, I think greater depth to its characters that you do not sense or feel in other BLs as of late as this one comes straight from the spirit. The story of BAGAN THE BEGINNING is not going to be revealed here; that is for you to experience and ponder. The only comment I shall make is that it is not just an enticing/thought-provoking story; it also spins an elegance around the wonderment of Myanmar that created in me a wanderlust to visit its natural and cultural grandeur.


“Although I Love You, and You?” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

Romantic love isn’t predictable, making it one of the most exhilarating, heart-pounding emotions to experience. And while it’s generally a beautiful feeling, it’s also scary and vulnerable. Exposing your heart to someone isn’t an easy feat.

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