“Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

“Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” anime is based on a manga of the same name and is hands down one of the cutest and most adorable love stories out there. Most of the viewers will be familiar with the plot as live- drama of the manga has already been released in 2020. “Cherry Magic” is this heart-warming love story between Adachi and his colleague Kurosawa. According to urban-tales, people who remain virgin even after the age of 30, become wizards. The same happens to Adachi, who has remained a virgin at 30, thereby he gains the magical power to read people’s mind if he touches them or if they touch him. Confused, Adachi is still adapting to this magical ability when he comes across his office colleague, Kurosawa one day in the lift and accidently reads his mind, gaining the information that Kurosawa had a crush on him.

Now, we all have watched and loved the live version of the show, as such having the same expectation from the anime is pretty obvious and it doesn’t disappoint. The anime version is equally adorable as the live action, if not more. The opening and closing OST is so good and soothing that you won’t be able to skip it. It is magical and bewitching, especially the chibi version and the internal monologue. Kurosawa’s features are wonderful and very close to manga, giving him a vulnerable but composed demeanor. Also, I felt that voice actors for the characters are perfect because they managed to grasp the situation, timing and all. Since voice acting is a really difficult job and needs to be in sync with everything, I think the result came out fairly well. All four voice actors, Ryota Suzuki (Kurosawa), Chiaki Kobayashi (Adachi), Makato Furukawa (Tsuge) and Gen Sato (Minato) deserve credit, because it necessary for all four of them to be perfectly in sync with the character’s emotion to give good results.

Japanese anime always depict refreshing stories with some complex, some comic and lots of emotional twists; “Cherry Magic” anime seems like perfect blend of the above with incredible comic timing, fascinating artwork and some fantastic music.

Ratings: 4 out of 5

Streaming on- Crunchyroll/ IQIYI/ Gagaoolala

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