Alluring Yet Enterprising: Stepping into the World of Author Chanele Ramos

Dreams are pretty fickle unless they are recognized as a fervent reality. In the past, I have interviewed quite a few US-based MM Romance authors who were fascinated with the BL culture, either because they drew inspiration from them or they were dormant fans of the said genre. In the midst of them, we have one novelist who not only dared to publish a BL novel while being based abroad but has also realized the dream of adapting her original work.

A gripping tale set in Bangkok’s nightlife, featuring an unprecedented partnership between two sworn rivals, Chanele Ramos’ “Allure of the Siren” captures human connection, resilience, and the ceaseless pursuit of truth. We sat down for a tell-a-tale with the busy writer who is currently filming the adaptation in Thailand.

1) In a recent interview you mentioned that your journey began in 2022 after watching the global hit “KinnPorsche The Series”. From writing a fanfiction on Wattpad to scripting an original novel, describe your journey as a novelist?

In February 2023 I started writing VegasPete fanfiction on Wattpad. For me, it was a test to see if I could write a decent story. I’d been telling myself I was going to write for 13 years, but I never did it. I finally mustered up the courage to write, and surprisingly to me, people liked it. “We can live forever” was my first fully completed Wattpad story.

2) Independently publishing your own work must have been difficult task. Did you submit your work to publishing houses before deciding to self-publish it?

I never submitted my work to any publishing houses. I didn’t think boy love stories were in demand. I didn’t feel like it would’ve been picked up. Now hindsight, I probably should’ve at least tried, but I don’t regret self publishing.

3) You are quite immersed in the Thai mafia scene, since “Allure of the Siren” seems to draw parallels to “KinnPorsche The Series”. What made you choose this concept as a premise for your story?

Does Allure of the Siren draw parallels to KinnPorsche? I personally don’t think it does. My story isn’t a mafia story at all. I think the only similarities is that it’s dark themed, and my characters have issues that can be thought of as similar. However, a lot of Allure of the Siren is inspired by real events that are slightly altered to make it fiction.

4) Did you script this original work with the intention of adapting it. Or was it an idea that formed at a later stage?

I was challenged by my friends to write an original story and see if I can get it turned into a series. I accepted that challenge. So from the beginning that was my goal.

5) There is a lot of anticipation surrounding your novel which is currently being adapted into a drama series. Can you talk to us about the plot?

The plot is about two rival detectives that have to work together to find out why strippers are going missing. Dao decides to go undercover as a stripper to get to the bottom of what’s happening. Shortly after going undercover Chaisai, his rival, sees him in action at the club; they are then thrust into a partnership neither of them want. Throughout their investigation they learn about themselves, their families, human trafficking, human experimentation, and the elite society.

6) Sun Tnakorn & Fluk Puttipong will be playing the main leads, Dao and Chaisai? Can you give us a rough character sketch? Also, what is your opinion about these two actors?

In my novel Dao is 26 years old. He’s smart, determined, and slightly bipolar. He thrives off of hate and the more people that hate him the more powerful he feels. He has a rocky relationship with his mother, so how he sees the world is based on his upbringing. He doesn’t have many friends, except one best friend, Ananya who he grew up with. His competitive nature doesn’t make him open for friendships.

Chaisai is 28 and he comes from a privileged family. Being the son of a doctor and pharmaceutical owner he’s constantly berated for not following in his father’s footsteps. He’s insecure, he craves love because he never really got it. He’s very serious most of the time and only lets loose with his best friend Yanin. He strives for perfection as his way to feel good about himself and his choices. No matter what he does he can’t seem to outwit Dao who is a huge thorn in his side.

I feel I picked the best actors to play these roles. Sun, although he is young, has maturity that I rarely see in people older than him. He has a quiet confidence, and he’s very observant. It was one of the first things I noticed about him. On top of that he’s a brilliant actor. He’s able to embody Dao as I’ve envisioned him.

Fluk gives Chaisai all the way. When I pictured Chaisai in my mind he looked like Fluk. What I like most about Fluk is his enthusiasm. He’s really proud to play the role of Chaisai and I know he will give it 110%. He’s already proven that during the pilot trailer and I know he will continue to prove it during the filming of the series. I’m truly proud of both of them.

7) Were you involved in the casting process for the show? How did you come into contact with the Thai production house you are collaborating with? How did you proceed with the negotiations?

I hand-picked all of my actors. We held virtual casting calls. We received a lot of submissions. After watching all the videos we picked who felt right for the role. I can say I used my intuition heavily because there were so many talented people and it would’ve been hard to pick otherwise. My intuition has never let me down.

8) You will be working with a talented director like Ark Saroj in your upcoming adaptation. Are you excited about this prospect?

I’m extremely excited about working with Ark. It was very important to me to have a queer director. I’m Bi and I just felt that having someone from the LGBTQ+ community creating this show with me made the most sense. Especially a man that knows what it’s like to be in a relationship with another man, as well as being intimate. Ark knows how to bring out the romantic aspect of the show that I’m unsure someone who hasn’t been there done that could do. We also get along very well and seem to think about the show and how to create it with the same mind. Picking Ark was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

9) What does the future have in store for you? Talk to us about your upcoming BL novels?

I’m so focused on making this series I haven’t given it too much thought. I know for sure there will be a sequel to Allure of the Siren. There is so much more for Dao and Chaisai to do and for the people who have read my novel they know how I ended it.

The next book will be called Abyss of the Siren and I’ll be diving deeper into the psyche of Dao and Chaisai. More than likely it’ll be darker than Allure. But it will have a happy ending.

The BL Xpress would like to express their gratitude to Ms. Chanele Ramos for this exclusive.

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