Category Archives: Thai Reviews

“Love is Like A Cat” Series Review (Ep.1 to 12)

Synopsis: When global superstar Piuno is threatened by those who wish to see him brought low, there’s only one thing he can do to save his reputation and his career: work at a pet daycare. Pushing aside his severe dislike for animals, Piuno begins working alongside the daycare’s director, Dae Byeol, who helps him find ways to overcome the trauma that first inspired his hatred of animals. As his heart begins to soften, unexpected feelings for Dae Byeol begin to arise. Could their current working relationship grow into something more?

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“Memory in the Letter” Series Review (Ep.1 to 6)

Watching this series is like wrapping yourself up in a warm cozy blanket on a cold winter’s night as you are reading a romantic allegory. While the sensation is comforting, the fable still provides you with enough stimulation to keep you awake. But you suddenly realize that you reach a part in the story where one of two possible endings can happen. Either a fairy tale one or a tragic one. While I certainly love a fairy tale ending (and these two guys deserved one), I was preparing myself for a tragic one as the series did seem a bit dark overall. Unfortunately, I got neither one. And I threw off my warm blanket and started to cry with disappointment. Let me elaborate.

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“To Be Continued” Series Review (Ep. 1 to 8)

Admittedly, this series is perfectly named. It did seem to continue to go on and on endlessly. It was like being adrift in a rudderless boat floating in an ocean of tropes, cliches, banalities, stereotypes, and platitudes. Sooner or later, you would bump into one of them on your way to wherever it was you were supposed to be going. Unfortunately, this series went nowhere because it had nowhere to go to.

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“A Secretly Love” Series Review (Ep.1 to 12)

In the vibrant tapestry of Thai series, “A Secretly Love” stands out as a gem, weaving a tale of unspoken desires, tangled relationships, and personal growth against the backdrop of school life. At the heart of this narrative lies the magnetic performances of Kimmon Warodom, one of the best actors in the Thai entertainment industry, whose portrayal of Pluem captivates audiences with its depth and nuance.

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“We Are Series” First Impressions (Ep.1 to 4)

At first glance, “We Are” seems like a clichĂ© bubblegum show without much substance, however, as you delve deeper into the show, without any cynicism it is pure swoon worthy romance and presents a genre I quite like which is equivalent to the early 2000s chick flicks. Although it doesn’t have much to say or has no edge, it gives us heartwarming love stories, actual courtship and although there are elements of slow burn romance in some of the couples, the show balances it out by giving us different solid story lines to follow that are all wholesome and you can’t help but root for each single couple. Comfort shows with low stakes, that are written to make the audience feel good are severely underrated and its easy to write them off as bubblegum shows that lose flavor quickly, however, you cannot deny that when they are sweet, they are indeed sweet.

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“Only Boo The Series” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

Crushes and being the most popular boy in school isn’t the only thing on a boy’s mind, this is proven true by the new GMMTV BL series “My Boo the Series”. Though by the end of the first episode, it’s not too far off for main character Moo played by Keen Suvijak. The boy on the cusp of graduating from high school if he could just focus on school. But much to his mother’s chagrin he wants to be an idol through dancing. A desire that leads the headstrong boy to sent to the country for a punishment that would allow him to graduate. The spoiled boy that Moo is would be overwhelmed if not for the near constant support of an older boy named Kang (Sea Dechchart). Why Kang helps Moo is made logically clear early on as he helps a woman get to the market and home safely.

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“Two Worlds” First Impressions (Ep.1 to 3)

Yaoi is a genre of anime and manga that features boys and men engaged in the most outrageous and erotic situations. You know from the moment you opened one and pressed the play button what you’ll get. Two men kissing at some point and more being the general draw that pulls readers and viewers into spending their time enjoying it. Thailand’s Boys’ Love for the past few years seems to have noticed the success of this rule, and has outspokenly modeled recent shows based on this concept. Attractive strong men and effeminate pretty men are in hi definition focus but now they face witches, demons, ghosts, abusive bosses, and the most venomous women for that happy ending we all secretly or overtly wait episodes for.

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