Tag Archives: 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us

The Rise in Symbolic Storytelling in the BL Industry

There’s a poetic, artistic, symbolic movement happening in BL filmmaking, one that is shifting the stories we’ve grown used to seeing in the early days of BLs to deeper, nuanced narratives that are slowly taking center stage.

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Favorite Thai BL Dramas (2022)- Part III

2022 was a clandestine affair of well-written scripts being orchestrated by talented actors. Surprisingly, Thailand was at the forefront of fielding these meaningful dramas that have elevated the art of storytelling. In today’s feature, our authors will be sharing their personal favorites- memorable shows with a nuanced edge!

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Favorite Thai BL Dramas (2022)

2022 was a succinct mix-up of phenomenal dramas strung together with some “Not So Good Ones”. We saw some excellent directives bought to life by nuanced actors who delivered praiseworthy performances. In today’s feature, we will be exploring such gems from the Thai BL industry!

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Favorite Setting/Location- Part III

Mesmerizing is the word that comes to my mind when I recall some of my favorite BL dramas. It has got nothing to do with the storytelling or execution and everything to do with the “Setting/Location”. A drama’s success cannot be solely ascribed to its cast or interesting storyline. The overall look depends on the adjoining location that adds the requisite oomph factor needed to drive the narrative forward. Join us as we talk about our favorite locales in the BL dreamland!

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Favorite Location/Setting

While cinematography and appropriate casting form the backbone to a drama’s success, another important factor that weighs in- is the location/setting. An entire team is involved in checking out the locales suitable to the script to building magnanimous sets that match the show’s era. In today’s feature, our authors will be taking about their favorite cinematic “Location/Setting”.

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The BL Xpress Awards-2022 (Popular Vote)- Top Ten BL Actors

The ability to move hearts inarguably depends on the artistic skills of an actor; more so, if you are a BL actor, specifically because the genre is often misjudged on the basis of its sensual content. Most actors put in a lot of efforts- to emote, express and deliver the feelings evoked by their character roles. “The Top Ten Actors” on this list have earned their right because their tenacity and dedication have left a deep impression on our body and soul. Join us, in this final feature, as we bid adieu to 2022.

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The BL Xpress Awards-2022 (Popular Vote)- Top Ten BL Dramas

Emotional, high-quality productions are in demand, and nowhere is this more obvious than in the results of BL Xpress’s 2022 “Top BL Dramas”.

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The BL Xpress Awards- 2022 (Popular Vote)

“Giving voice to characters that have no other voice—that’s the great worth of what we do.” — Meryl Streep

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#TeamBLXpress Top Ten BL Dramas (2022 Edition)- Part II

The reckoning number of BL dramas released in 2022 was overwhelmingly varietal.

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#TeamBLXpress Top Ten BL Dramas (2022 Edition)

It has been an interesting year, with a surprising surge of BL dramas, that were both contemplative and riveting.

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