Tag Archives: A Tale of Thousand Stars

10 Best GMMTV BL Series: From Romantic to Unique

Thailand’s entertainment scene has seen a surge in Boys’ Love (BL) dramas in recent years, and one production house that stands out in this genre is GMMTV. GMMTV, a prominent Thai television production company, has not only gained immense popularity locally but also internationally. While they create various types of TV content, it’s their BL series that have captured the hearts of viewers worldwide. Let’s delve into some of the best BL dramas produced by GMMTV.

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Favorite Setting/Location- Part II

There is something enchanting about locales that simply hold stories of their own. Although storytelling and casting are integral to a drama/movie, the resonant location/setting is also of utmost importance. Magnificent sets are built to recreate the old age magic, especially if the dramas/movie belong to a different era or time period. In today’s feature, our authors will be talking about such memorable “Locations/Settings”, which were breathtakingly riveting!

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Favorite Location/Setting

While cinematography and appropriate casting form the backbone to a drama’s success, another important factor that weighs in- is the location/setting. An entire team is involved in checking out the locales suitable to the script to building magnanimous sets that match the show’s era. In today’s feature, our authors will be taking about their favorite cinematic “Location/Setting”.

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Favorite BL Tropes

Love or leave them, there is no denying that the tropes seen most often in BL dramas/film have carved out a place for themselves, even as some have transitioned out over the years. And with that in mind, we at the BLXpress are diving into our favorite dramatic clichés. Join us as we each share the tropes we love the most.

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Best Cinematography Choices- Part II

“Life is unpredictable, and I feel, to some extent, lighting and cinematography should be a reflection of that”- Rachel Morrison

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