Tag Archives: André Lamoglia

Why The Queers Seemed Lost in Elite 7

There was a time when the Spanish teenage hit “Elite” signified mystery and murder mayhem; Las Enchinas has always been the breeding ground for ornate romance or well orchestrated crimes scenes. While the first five seasons reigned on the basis of this concept, the quality began to decline when the series entered its fifth season. Forgoing logic, new characters were added for atypical drama and illogical conclusions. Despite this, the show still managed to survive (makes you question Netflix’s inability to distinguish between good and bad dramas; considering the steady number of LGBTQ dramas that they have axed). And yet, Elite has managed the impossible; they keep missing the axe. Is it because the show has a consistent fandom who are ready to devour the baseless storyline as long as they get melodrama? The current season remains true to this premise; we have old and new characters; some delusional, others opportunistic. We are here to talk about the queer characters, so let’s just train our lens on them (there is nothing to discuss this show anyways).

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