Tag Archives: Bed Friend The Series

The 10 Most Popular Thai BL Series of 2023

In the realm of television and entertainment, Thai Boys’ Love (BL) series have achieved immense popularity, captivating audiences far and wide. These series often blend elements of romance, drama, and complex character dynamics to create emotionally resonant narratives.

In this article, we will explore the ten most popular Thai BL series of 2023, delving deeper into their compelling storylines and discussing why they have become such sensational hits.

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“Bed Friend The Series” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

While delving into the Boys’ Love universe, many will understand that most dramas are inspired by Yaoi manga or light novels that exist online. The tall dark-haired man, the lily white skinned auburn-haired, feminine man who often submits to the whims of the dark haired man like a wife- troupe or classic style of storytelling. This is entirely the characteristics that most viewers experience from the onset of the series. I haven’t read the novel by “Littlebbear96”. So, I do not know if the vision was from Yaoi, but the live action version is definitely a living, breathing Yaoi and I adore the boldness of the vision with which Cheewin Thanamin directs this show. After last year’s “LoveStage”(not the same director), I was hugely wary of live action Yaoi’s. Mainly because in the past, actors didn’t seem like they wanted to commit to the roles they play; or the script changes the key aspects relative to the characters. It created a disconnect for me as a viewer and made me feel like I wasted my time.

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Upcoming Asian BL Dramas- Part I

With the Boys Love universe growing every day it can be difficult to decide what to watch amongst the new and returning shows. To make it easier for you, we’ve put together an impressive list of some top-notch Boys Love television shows that are sure not to disappoint! There’s a little something here to suit everybody’s taste.

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