Tag Archives: Billy Patchanon

Fresh BL/GL Pairings That Are Slowly Making Their Mark- Edition II

We are back with the second edition of the lucrative business that is fan service. Exclusive to the Thai BL/GL industry, fans spend quite a amount on ticket sales for concerts or purchasing merchandise. Popular brands lobby to support these couples, so they could promote their products. But how many of these pairings have actual chemistry?

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“The Sign” Series Review (Ep.3 to 12)

I grew up on a stable diet of Indian mythological (Ramayana & Mahabharata), both have been remade again & again with different casting. The central character that remains at the heart of both mythologies is Lord Vishnu (both Lord Ram & Lord Krishna are his reincarnations). So, when the trailer for “The Sign” was released, I was intrigued; because it had two main characters based on Indian mythology. I was surprised to say the least; Garuda is the vahana/vehicle of Lord Vishnu while Sheshanaga is his mount. Although we know about the enmity between Garuda and Nagas, their story was never properly described/depicted beyond the fact that they both serve Lord Vishnu. So, to see two divine figures from the Indian mythology in a Thai drama was quite riveting. It was only after the show started that I realised that Thais have their own myths about Garuda & Nagas. The show is hugely based in modern era, but is fantasy drama based on the age long enmity between the two demigods. In Buddhism, Garudas are enormous predatory birds with intelligence and social organisation. The Garudas have kings and cities, and some of them have the magical power of changing into human form; as can be witnessed with Phaya’s characterization. The Garuda are enemies to the nāga, a race of intelligent serpent- or dragon-like beings, whom they hunt. Nagas are believed to live in either water bodies or in caves and have different clans; as witnessed by their attire. Tharn is mostly shown wearing green clothes, which depict his noble status while Chalothorn is show wearing black clothes which signify the fact that he is a royal. “The Sign” cleverly combines these age-old mythologies with the concept of reincarnation to script a thriller that is incomparable to most modern dramas in the BL world.

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The BL Xpress Awards- Popular BL Actor (2023) [Voting Lines Open]

The past few weeks were interesting; we have been consistently following avid fans as they enthusiastically voted for their favorite BL Dramas/Couples. The results were surprising to say the least. We are seeing a new pattern whereby people are preferring quality to quantity. A story’s merit depends on various factors: settings, locales, script writing, direction and lastly, the acting prowess of the artists involved. As such, we bring you the best in the “Popular BL Actors” category. Vote and show your unwavering love to your favorite actors!

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“The Sign” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

The end of the year always gives us delightful treats regarding BL productions. 2023, in particular, is ending with a bang. There are such great BL series in motion! Most importantly, the variety of subjects portrayed makes it all that much more fun. We are no longer stuck with a one-theme-only BL engineer students series. Plots are more carefully scripted and acted out, even though there’s room for improvement in the editing department. What pleases me the most are the more mature content and characters.

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“War of Y” Series Review (Ep.1 to 20)

There are four anthologies involved in this series. The four are tangentially connected but in the most loosely defined way. Each involves a ship in the world of Y from various dimensions, none of which are flattering, or display any sense of socially acceptable behaviors. To be sure, every profession has its unsavoriness, but this series tended to show that every aspect of the BL industry is fraught with ruthlessness and pain. Is it worth it? For many, it is their life-long dream, but it is paid at a very high cost.

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Dreamy Thai BL Couples That Are Making Me Swoon

Boys’ Love is a lucrative fantasy spun around, regaling tales of love, lust and sensuality.

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Favorite BL Ships- Part III

BL Ships are the veritable anchor that makes or breaks the popularity of their respective shows. If the anchor is strong, it saves the ship (read TV ratings); or else the drama is doomed to sink.

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“Secret Crush on You” Series Review (Ep. 5 to 14)

When I wrote my first impressions of this series, I came to the… uneven… conclusion that I wasn’t sure I liked it or not. Now that I’m done with the series, I think it falls on the side of liking it. Somehow, over the course of these fourteen episodes, I started really enjoying it and felt a kind of connection to the characters.

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