Tag Archives: Dinosaur Love

10 New BL Series You Can Watch on Youtube, 18+ BL!

Currently, the existence of freely available content is gaining more attention, especially for fans of BL (Boys Love) themed dramas. BL, which typically portrays romantic stories between male characters, has become a popular genre among audiences. For those who want to enjoy a series of intriguing BL dramas without spending money, YouTube is one of the platforms that offers many options.

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“Dinosaur Love” Series Review (Ep.1 to 8)+ Final Story (Ep.9+10)

There is no myths here; that went extent along with the dinosaurs. Instead, it is a jumbled incoherent mess of disorganized shifts of scenes packed with individuals for the most part that are astonishingly unlikable, dumb as a box of rocks, naïve, and caricatures. Some are decidedly despicable creatures as well.

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10 BL Series 18+ in 2023, Lots of Mature Contents!

You can’t deny that Boys Love (BL) dramas are really popular nowadays, not just in one country but almost all over the world. What’s adorable is that their stories are always super romantic, and they can really get the audience all emotional.

Now, in 2023, there are plenty of new BL dramas coming out. Some of them have an 18+ rating, so only adults can watch them.

But even with that rating, don’t be mistaken, the stories are still really good. So, here are 10 new BL series in 2023 with an 18+ rating that won’t disappoint, according to cafebl.com. Let’s dive right into them below.

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“Dinosaur Love” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

A shy young man bumps into a complete stranger who experiences love at first sight. The object of his affection is someone experiencing years of pain and disappointment of the most callous kind. Maybe it’s time for a Seme (who seems like a dinosaur) to step in and shake things up. That’s the premise for “Dinosaur Love”, a BL based on the novel of the same name by Scriper; created by Ultimate Troop as Part One of their compilation stories in “Buddy Line Y Animal”.

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Weekly BL Updates

Ask anybody and they will tell you the world of BL is a lot to keep up with these days. There’s a seemingly never ending pile of new shows, returning shows and shows we keep meaning to catch up on. This week was no different as it came with a few surprises. Frank and Lee filmed a whole series in secret, Vietnamese Production house ‘MCV’ released their TIKTOK series ‘Ey Mi Amor’ and Strongberry decided to let fans vote on which series they should produce next. All in all, it was a great week. So sit back and catch up on what happened.

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