Tag Archives: Fish Upon The Sky

JittiRain: The Queen of Timeless Romance

Fascinating are her words and the universe’s she creates!

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Most Disappointing BL Dramas- Part III

Disappointment can’t be projected, unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to veritable BL content. Though it is impossible to tag each drama/movie, with the amount of shows premiering each quarter, we have tried our level best to square off the choices that left us shaking our heads in regret. In today’s feature, our authors will be talking about dramas whose ratings couldn’t keep up with their promising trailers!

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Best BL Couple- 2021 (Popular Vote)

Stepping foot into the last week of 2021 seems unreal. It has been a magnanimous year in terms of popular BL productions.

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My Watchlist: Current Favorites of June 2021

We are back with the monthly feature on our “Current Watchlist”. The Boy’s Love lane is ostensibly flooded with new dramas that premiere every fortnight.

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