Tag Archives: Given

Weekly BL Updates

It’s a busy week ahead and, as always, we are here with the latest updates and exclusives from the BL world. It’s our job to keep you abreast with the newest happenings in the Boy’s Love diaspora and we aim to please. Join us as we talk about fresh arrivals as well as news reports relative to shows that are making waves across the globe!

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BL Anime – List of 25 Best Yaoi anime series and movies | Recommendations

As far as I recall, BL anime has always existed since the early 90s. Before BL dramas and movies became mainstream, BL animated series were essentially frontier films portraying male romance even though they were taboo in society.

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Favorite BL OST

Music is a powerful thing. Many of us have entire playlists that carry us through different moments in our lives. From heartbreak and grief to romance and joy, music has an incredible way of adding intensity to everyday life.

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Given Will Strum Your Heart’s Strings

“It was really hot. Much hotter than I’d imagined. The lights on the stage were so hot. I don’t really remember anything else. I was just thinking about how I was actually allowed to say that much. I can’t describe that feeling very well. I want to do another show. I want to experience that feeling again. Also, I want to write another song.” – Mafuyu Sato

Can’t say goodbye I’m still drifting with your echoes

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Favorite Fictional BL Couple (Primary)

Behind every great drama is a couple that can weather the test of time. Beyond the cinematography, music, writing, and editing, a drama’s real power is how a chosen actor presents the story that’s supposed to be told.

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Given is a Beautiful Love Song

“I think the human heart is similar to these guitar strings. When the pain is too much to bear, it’d feel like a certain string laid across your chest is about to snap. Sometimes, it’d really snap, and you’d think it can never be fixed again. But if there’s someone who can replace the string for him like this, it may also fix the broken string in his heart.”

~Ritsuka Uenoyama, Given

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My Watchlist: Current Favorites of July 2021

While battling the current Covid-19 situation, the only thing keeping the fervent BL fans sane, is the continuous onslaught of quality dramas from the Asian Subcontinent.

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