Tag Archives: Green Phongsathorn

Favorite BL Ships- Part III

BL Ships are the veritable anchor that makes or breaks the popularity of their respective shows. If the anchor is strong, it saves the ship (read TV ratings); or else the drama is doomed to sink.

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“The Tuxedo” Series Review (Ep.1 to 8)

What can you say about this series that has not already been said about a zillion other Thai BL series? Handsome actors, great ambience, fabulous clothes, imprecise story; which is too bad because the main actors can act, as they did bring some character intensity to their roles. The story however, went flat and pedestrian.

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GagaOOLala’s “Our Days, The Tuxedo & La Cuisine” First Impressions

So, I will be trying something new today. Instead of having individual reviews for each of these GagaOOLala’s originals, I’m going to club these three shows together and share their first impressions. This doesn’t mean that the shows aren’t worth it; rather, their mini series format makes it easy to string them into one piece. Without further ado, let’s review these new releases and get a sense of their strengths & weaknesses!

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