Tag Archives: Hit Bite Love The Series

8 Must-Watch Thai BL Series in 2023: Action, Romance, and Steamy Scenes!

Thai Boys Love (BL) dramas have become popular among fans with their diverse and interesting genres. From sweet romantic stories to those with mature scenes, Thai productions have offered entertaining variety for viewers. Here are recommendations for 8 Thai BL series from various genres that you should watch.

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10 BL Series 18+ in 2023, Lots of Mature Contents!

You can’t deny that Boys Love (BL) dramas are really popular nowadays, not just in one country but almost all over the world. What’s adorable is that their stories are always super romantic, and they can really get the audience all emotional.

Now, in 2023, there are plenty of new BL dramas coming out. Some of them have an 18+ rating, so only adults can watch them.

But even with that rating, don’t be mistaken, the stories are still really good. So, here are 10 new BL series in 2023 with an 18+ rating that won’t disappoint, according to cafebl.com. Let’s dive right into them below.

Continue reading 10 BL Series 18+ in 2023, Lots of Mature Contents!

Favourite BL Dramas in the First Quarter (Jan to Apr 2023)- Part III

The first quarter of 2023 was filled with scripts that were romantic, fun-filled and also inspiring. Walking down the memory lane, we are actually delighted that the BL industry is slowly evolving in terms of storytelling and we have narratives that are truly making a difference. In today’s feature, join our authors as they share their favorites- the ones that will leave you yearning for more!

Continue reading Favourite BL Dramas in the First Quarter (Jan to Apr 2023)- Part III