Tag Archives: ISBANKY

“Big Dragon Season One” Series Review (Ep. 1 to 8)

This BL series is like taking a canoe ride down an unknown river- you never know what is around the bend. The first leg of the journey, I would say the first three episodes, were exciting, fun and different (for a Thai BL). Then the trip got boring and meandered because of too many tributaries to choose in which direction to paddle, and in the end, after hitting a couple of rocks that nearly capsized the boat, we finally ended on the dock, saying to ourselves, “Did I enjoy that journey?”

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#TeamBLXpress Top Ten BL Couples (2022 Edition)- Part II

Romance is an integral part of most shows, be it heterosexual or BL dramas; nevertheless, the fact remains that both intimacy & sensuality is important for romanticization. More so, in Boys’ Love dramas, where the comfort levels of the lead couple is always tested. In today’s feature, our authors will be talking about their favorite BL couples; the ones that stole the limelight and the audience’s hearts!

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