Tag Archives: Khaotung Thanawat

The BL Xpress Awards- 2023 (Popular Vote)- Top Ten BL Actors [Results]

2023 was a phenomenal year for BL productions. With the pandemic panic finally receding and restrictions being uplifted, the BL industry was very busy churning out massive hits. Artistic freedom is evolving and so are the BL actors. This year we saw some rookie actors joining the ranks and against our better judgement, they proved their worth. So, we weren’t surprised with this year’s results where the fans voted in full swing for the actors who deserved this title!

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The BL Xpress Awards- 2023 (Popular Vote)- Top Ten BL Couples [Results]

Boys’ Love dramas these days spell romance in variant ways. Gone are the days when BL dramas were all about sex, sensuality or sheer high school/university love stories. As the genre evolves, so is the storytelling; and likewise popular BL pairings are also evolving. The comfort they share reflects their great chemistry onscreen and this year’s winners have strongly imprinted this viewpoint in our minds. We are definitely pleased and honored to announce the “Top Ten BL Couples” in 2023!

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The BL Xpress Awards- Popular BL Actor (2023) [Voting Lines Open]

The past few weeks were interesting; we have been consistently following avid fans as they enthusiastically voted for their favorite BL Dramas/Couples. The results were surprising to say the least. We are seeing a new pattern whereby people are preferring quality to quantity. A story’s merit depends on various factors: settings, locales, script writing, direction and lastly, the acting prowess of the artists involved. As such, we bring you the best in the “Popular BL Actors” category. Vote and show your unwavering love to your favorite actors!

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“Only Friends” Series Review (Ep.3 to 12)

Not one of these characters lied is something that one can say about the cast of this twelve episodes drama. The powerful show that showcased a group of friends who would have been happier if they never met came to its conclusion recently. As the characters make decisions that decide their “Happy or Not So Happy Endings” with surprising clarity, many fans were on the edge of their seats, every Saturday, waiting to see what comes next.

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“Only Friends” First Impressions (Ep.1 & 2)

Written and directed by Jojo Tichakorn (whose written and directed many shows for GMMTV), the highly anticipated series “Only Friends” debuted on YouTube. So, I knew what to expect going into this spastic hyper sexual series that surrounds six college friends and the antics they get into. Many familiar actors from multiple series pop up in this drama in quite a few surprising ways, mainly because the cameos weren’t mentioned in any of the trailers that were released online. So, I treat them as cupcakes meant to delight longtime fans of Jojo’s work catalog.

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“Moonlight Chicken” Series Review (Ep.3 to 8)

There is probably a universe in which Moonlight Chicken was the series it promised to be: a series about a chicken rice restaurant owner who has a chance meeting with a mystifying young man who changes his life, a series about complicated love relationships and infidelity, juxtaposed with messy family dynamics and the purity of young love.

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The heart behind Moonlight Chicken

The world is complex, divided by generations and full of diverse dreams, ideas, relationships and socioeconomic situations. Although there are barriers between us–language, time zones, territorial boundaries–there is something much bigger than all of this that brings us together: humanity. We are all human. We are all emotional. We are all struggling to survive on the same planet.

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“Moonlight Chicken” First Impressions (Ep. 1 and 2)

I’m going to be very honest and say I’ve been waiting for this series since December 2021. It was my most anticipated series of 2022 and now that it finally exists it’s like a fever dream.

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The BL Xpress Awards-2022 (Popular Vote)- Top Ten BL Couples

Romance can be beguiling. Surprisingly enough, our readers feel the same. Gone are the days when you could sell BLs based on sex or sensuality; the fans are more choosy these days. They prefer quality over quantity and it shows in their intelligent choices. “The Top Ten BL Couples” have rightfully earned their spot on our list because of their incomparable chemistry and flawless performances. Thank you to one and all for taking the time to vote. Check out the results below.

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#TeamBLXpress Top Ten BL Couples (2022 Edition)- Part II

Romance is an integral part of most shows, be it heterosexual or BL dramas; nevertheless, the fact remains that both intimacy & sensuality is important for romanticization. More so, in Boys’ Love dramas, where the comfort levels of the lead couple is always tested. In today’s feature, our authors will be talking about their favorite BL couples; the ones that stole the limelight and the audience’s hearts!

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