Tag Archives: Max Nattapol

Recent Controversies in The BL Industry

More often than not we forget that celebrities are human beings, just like you and me. The only difference is when they make a mistake it is referred to as a ‘Scandal’ or a ‘Controversy’. They find themselves apologizing for things that we do on the day to day basis. Should celebrities be held to a higher standard than the average person? Or should we let them live their personal lives as they wish? That’s the hottest topic on the internet right now and we are here to join in the conversation.

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“Manner of Death” Series Review (Ep.1 to 14)

I highly appreciate BL series attempting to offer us something new. Although the BL community got used to school romances and love-hate university teen melodrama, I sometimes get tired of it. Now, however, some BL makers are coming out of their comfort zone to produce phenomenal plotlines and bravely face het dramas head-on.

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Favorite BL Ships- Part III

BL Ships are the veritable anchor that makes or breaks the popularity of their respective shows. If the anchor is strong, it saves the ship (read TV ratings); or else the drama is doomed to sink.

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Favorite BL Ships- Part II

Shipping is a serious business in the Asian BL industry, with legions of fandoms invested in the offscreen camaraderie between their beloved idol’s.

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