Tag Archives: Singaporean BL


Recently, I had the opportunity to interview the director and performers of a short BL series that has simply taken off with little fanfare. Mostly by word-of-mouth. It was produced by a small independent production company called 250 Films founded by Ng Yu Wen. The name of this short gem was PURE VANILLA, starring Braven Yeo as Gabriel and Deng Xun as Charlie. It was written and directed by a remarkable young individual named Mickey Hiah. The first episode, if you will, is just over 9 minutes long and came out about 10 months ago on YouTube and has over 150,000 views, which is remarkable. Then just over a month or so ago, they released Episode 2 called PURE VANILLA: RECIPE FOR ROMANCE. Already it has nearly 170,000 views with an astonishing number of positive comments about its content. This episode introduced a new character named Alex (Leon Koh) who added a new element to an existing recipe of love.


“Pure Vanilla & Pure Vanilla: Recipe for Romance” Series Review

Sometimes, something comes along that is so unexpectedly good you find yourself quietly saying. “Wow. This can’t be!” And if you watch these two objet d’art together, which will take you just around 32 minutes out of your day, it may become the most feel-good moment of your day. It might put a smile on your face, perhaps help you feel a little less jaded about what is happening in the world, and maybe, just maybe make you believe in sweetness again. And it does so within the context of trays of desserts. Effortlessly, it becomes a full-fledged BL and with more sincerity than most BLs do with their constant theatrics and feigned setups. It is also done with a gentleness and softness that is almost imperceptible until you feel its results at the end.

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Weekly BL Updates

We can’t seem to catch our breath; being swarmed with the latest announcements is becoming a daily occurrence. But that doesn’t mean we are slacking off on our duty. Because “Sharing is Caring” and so here we are with the juiciest updates from the last weekend!

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Guide To Every Singapore LGBT Short Film And Web Series Available On YouTube

We at BL Xpress, are happy to announce our collaboration with popular Singaporean website, Dear Straight People. As such, we will be exchanging some of their best rated articles, that are both interesting and thought-provoking. We are starting this exchange program with this well-researched guide to every Singapore LGBT+ short film and web series that is available for free on YouTube!

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