Tag Archives: Unintentional Love Story

10 Popular New Korean BL Drama Recommendations 2023 : Starring Handsome Actors

2023 is once again filled with adorable Boys Love (BL) dramas from South Korea. If you’re a BL fan, you definitely wouldn’t want to miss out on these exciting dramas. Here are 10 popular Korean BL drama recommendations that aired in 2023:

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The BL Xpress Awards- Popular BL Couples (2023) [Voting Lines Closed]

We had a phenomenal year with some of the best written dramas airing in 2023. And although storytelling plays an important role in making or breaking a drama’s success, it is the lead pair and their chemistry that brings enlivens the encompassing romance. 2023 marked the beginnings of quite a few new pairings; some old pairings returned with a gusto and new trajectories were formed. We at “The BL Xpress” have been taking notice of the same; and as such, we bring you the best competing in the “Popular BL Couples” category. Vote and show your unwavering support & love for your favorite couples!

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The BL Xpress Awards- Popular BL Dramas [2023] (Voting Lines Closed)

It is that time of the year when we sit down and rewind through some of the best BL dramas, that caught our attention and won accolades. It could be because of their phenomenal storytelling, excellent scripts, beautiful settings or the natural chemistry between the lead pair. A lot of things go into the making of a masterpiece. As such, we are back with our yearly awards, where some of the most famous works in 2023 will be competing in the “Popular BL Drama” category. Vote and show your unwavering support to your favorites!

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Favorite BL Dramas in the First Quarter (Jan to Apr 2023)

We are taking roll call for the first quarter of 2023. With the steady outflow of quality dramas this year, our authors had a difficult time choosing their favorites, but we endeavor to do the impossible. So, join us as our team members share their best choices, the ones that made all the difference!

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Upcoming Asian BL Dramas – Part II

February came with a lot of surprises. Firstly, Devonte296 series “The Promise” was postponed to March. Thai projects “Destiny Seeker”, “Moments of Love” and “Café in Love” were released, but much to our disappointment they weren’t made available to International fans. Domundi aired “Our winter” with 1-minute-long episodes, while Japan delivered the scintillating “Jack o’ Frost”. Korea adapted “To My Star 2” into a movie that’s 4.5 hours long and the first virtual reality BL series was released. All in all, it was a great month with at least 15 new projects to add to our roster. So what’s next you ask? Keep reading!

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