Tag Archives: Winter Begonia

My All Time Favorite Bromances- Part II

There is something charming and irresistible when two people are in a “are they or aren’t they in love?” charade. Bromances sell this tantalizing notion and bank on the slow burn chemistry between their main characters. We are led to believe that there is more to their so-called brotherhood while their actual relationship status is kept under wraps. In today’s feature, we will be talking about some of the best mentioned Bromances in the Boys’ Love industry, the ones that kept you invested in their unpredictable love lives!

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Favorite Setting/Location- Part III

Mesmerizing is the word that comes to my mind when I recall some of my favorite BL dramas. It has got nothing to do with the storytelling or execution and everything to do with the “Setting/Location”. A drama’s success cannot be solely ascribed to its cast or interesting storyline. The overall look depends on the adjoining location that adds the requisite oomph factor needed to drive the narrative forward. Join us as we talk about our favorite locales in the BL dreamland!

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