Midweek Updates

The BL industry keeps busy with frequent updates and exclusives. Be it Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese or Korean market, the competition is tough; the genre is making leaps and bounds. The last three days saw sumptuous amount of inputs which will leave you pleasantly surprised!

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“Healing Thingyan” Series Review (Ep.1 to 3)

This is a charming mini-series composed of three short episodes and a special episode, centering around a sublime and captivating Burmese festival. One gets to sprinkle water on others as a way of symbolically wishing them good luck in the coming year. It is believed that water can fix mistakes, drive out bad luck, and bring greater health and happiness. It is a 3-to-5-day celebration held in Myanmar that is festive and fun and held before their New Year which is in April. I found the festival to be quite beautiful and convivial.

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