“Gap The Series” Series Review (Ep.1 to 12)

Long after Sam first came to Mon’s rescue when they were kids, Sam is unambiguously Mon’s idol. To be near her, Mon gets a job working under her. When they finally meet again at the office, Mon is surprised by her icy exterior, so different from the image she’d had of her and what she wants to be. Mon and Sam aren’t just different in demeanor; they stand apart in class and between them is a gap of eight years.

(Source: MyDramaList)

One of the first GL series from Thailand, “Gap The Series” was a well-received and appreciated show, that broadened the scope of the GL industry. In an industry monopolized by the Boys’ Love genre which mostly focused on the love story between two boys, it was nice to see a lesbian love story. The show was nicely paced, being a sweet and cozy workplace romance between a boss and subordinate, with one being cold but sweet and other being a ray of sunshine.

In my view, the start of the series was nice and well-paced but as I kept watching, I got bored in the last few episodes as it felt like a lot of things had been stretched and made cringe, I am not saying that the show was not entertaining, I am saying that quite a few things were little cringe worthy. But the characters in the show were pretty sweet, unique and supporting; especially I love the character of grandma (towards the ending), who despite having generation gap supported love between two women and didn’t try to be condescending, which is nice and full of warmth. It was also admirable that two lead characters were so opposite to each other but somewhat alike, and they completed each other in a way unlike seen before. Mon (Rebecca Patricia) is a character who is not good at hiding her feelings and emotions, whereas Sam (Freen Sarocha) is calm, good at hiding her emotions and reserved. It was really satisfying to see a lesbian love story without stereotypical nonsense.

I personally loved Kirks’s (Heng Asavarid) character, itis nice to see a character who on realizing that they would be unable to make someone happy, step back and let that person move on in their life for the better. Kirk is exactly like that, a gentle person and confident in himself. It’s so good to see a character of opposite sex to those of leading characters who is not toxic or homophobic, because if you have watched lots of Thai BL, then you’ll understand my point here. I was really surprised with Saint’s Cameo (which shouldn’t have happened since he is the producer of the show), he stole my heart as he always does. His cameo was not just for increasing viewer ship was also efficient for story development.

I really felt this overwhelming sense of affection for Mon & Sam when they got married, especially with the color theme and their dresses. It was a minor but really beautiful detail that shows the level of their relationship. Freen and Becky as Sam and Mon were so amazing and did such a good work playing the characters; they had such a hot and sizzling chemistry, that alone makes the show bingeable. It’s rare to see actors not being awkward in intimate scenes, and I am so happy that Freen and Becky were so natural while making the characters alive for viewers.

Rating- 4 out of 5

Streaming on- Idol Factory YouTube Channel

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