Tag Archives: Until We Meet Again

Favorite BL Adaptations

There is nothing more exciting than discovering that a favorite book/webtoon/manga is getting an on-screen adaptation, whether it be a drama, film, or anime. The anticipation of seeing characters you’ve grown to love on the page come to life is an incredible experience. Join us at the BL Xpress as we share our favorite screen adaptations and why.

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Best Cinematography Choices- Part II

“Life is unpredictable, and I feel, to some extent, lighting and cinematography should be a reflection of that”- Rachel Morrison

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Favorite BL OST

Music is a powerful thing. Many of us have entire playlists that carry us through different moments in our lives. From heartbreak and grief to romance and joy, music has an incredible way of adding intensity to everyday life.

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Favorite BL Scenes

Whether you’re reading a book, watching a drama, or enjoying a film, there are always moments that leave an impression, moments that stick with a person long after the book, drama, or film has ended.

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